For the long term |

TBC Staff

In Hebrews 11 we are given a list of men and women of faith. Their exploits resulted in a variety of outcomes. From “Whose weakness was turned into strength, and became powerful in battle” in vs. 34 to “They were stoned, they were sawed in two, they were put to death by the sword.” vs. 37. These were not perfect men and women; after all, Noah, Abraham and Moses take up a large portion of that chapter!  Perfection of character wasn’t the trait that linked these folks. What did link them was absolute unshakeable faith that what God had said he MEANT... literally. Such raw faith is an absolute necessity for our graduates if they are to come close to making Christ known among the peoples they seek to reach. The complexity of the task ahead is daunting.  Folks needing quick and easy satisfaction usually don’t apply as students, or they develop a capacity to think, and live, LONG TERM while here.

That the God of all Creation would allow the writer of Hebrews to say these words “ ...the world was not worthy of them” (Heb:11:38) about ANY man or woman who has ever lived is truly amazing! Yet He DOES say that about some!  For those who, like Noah and Abraham, risked everything because God had spoken, and they stayed the course with that faith, there will be great reward. That was one of the challenges put before our students. We’ll all know better 30 or 40 years down the road how this all worked out in each of these students. As the writer of Hebrews says a bit further on... “Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.”

--Brad Buser (veteran missionary and missionary trainer)