Question: [You speak of the Rapture as] the "terrifying disappearance of perhaps 50-100 million persons from this earth"....[Do you believe] that approximately one out of a hundred of earth's inhabitants are genuine heaven-bound believers? |

TBC Staff

Question: Does your mention in the January 2006 TBC of the "terrifying disappearance of perhaps 50-100 million persons from this earth" (at the Rapture) indicate your belief that approximately one out of a hundred of earth's inhabitants are genuine heaven-bound believers?

Response: My figure was an estimate—only God knows hearts. About one-third of earth's inhabitants (two billion) claim to be Christians. Fifty percent of these are Roman Catholics and twenty percent are orthodox. They all follow the same false gospel (that cannot save) of salvation through works, baptism and the other sacraments, the intervention of Mary and the other "saints," etc. They are lost, yet many evangelicals rob them of salvation by calling them our "brothers and sisters in Christ" and refusing to confront them with the biblical gospel.

A high percentage of so-called protestants who call themselves Christians do not believe the gospel that saves. Jesus said that the way was narrow and the gate strait that leads to life and that few would be saved (Mt 7:13,14; Lk 13:23, 24).

The Lord warned that some who seemed to be first would be last (Mk 10:31) and that many who thought they had done miracles in His name would be doomed for eternity in spite of claiming to have known and served Him (Mt 7:21-23). It behooves each of us to examine his or her own heart as Paul commanded (2 Cor:13:5).