Nuggets from "Judgment Day: Islam, Israel, and the Nations" |

Hunt, Dave

Nuggets from "Judgment Day: Islam, Israel, and the Nations"

The conflict between tiny Israel and the vast coalition of Arab/Muslim nations arrayed against her is without question the most dangerous situation facing the world today. It is also the major subject of the Bible, in which are recorded, in detail, two thousand to three thousand years before they occurred, the events leading to today's Middle East debacle. Furthermore (a fact to which political and religious world leaders surprisingly pay little attention), the Bible not only foretold the tragedy in detail but declared its outcome. The consequences of this fact are logical and obvious: if the Bible is in error concerning Israel, its major subject, then all of the synagogues and Christian churches that claim to base their beliefs upon those Scriptures ought to admit that fact and shut their doors. If, however, the Bible is true, then the nations of the world ought to govern their conduct accordingly; for if they do not, the consequences will be disastrous.