Confirmed Again: Couples Who Live Together Before Marriage More Likely to Divorce |

TBC Staff

Couples who live together before marriage much more likely to divorce, says Christian think-tank [Excerpts]

Couples who live together before they marry are 'significantly' more likely to end up divorced, says a report by a Christian think-tank.

The study also discovered that more couples are cohabiting than ever before - with the average time living together before tying the knot doubling to three-and-a-half years in the past four decades.

The Jubilee Centre, a social reform group with a Christian perspective, said that living together had become 'a more fragile state of relationship than ever before'.

It said that couples who cohabited before marriage were 45 per cent more likely to split than those who waited until after the wedding.

The report by Dr John Hayward and Dr Guy Brandon said: 'Despite the popularity of cohabitation and its relationship to marriage, it is also the case that marriages that start with a period of prior cohabitation are significantly more prone to divorce than those that do not.

'Where there has been a previous cohabitation with a separate person by one of both partners, the likelihood of divorce soars.'

(Daily Mail Reporter, UK Daily Mail Online, August 31, 2011).

[TBC: Surveys have consistently and historically shown that couples who live together prior to marriage are far more likely to divorce than other who do not. This simply reflects the truth of Romans:6:23: “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”]