July 1986 | thebereancall.org

July 1986

C.S. Lewis1, írásaira oly jellemzõ világos éleslátással figyelmeztetett arra, hogy nem sikerült különbséget tenni Isten Igéjének modern terjesztése és a modernizmus között. Azt állítja, hogy az elõzõ veszi a változatlan és megváltoztathatatlan bibliai igazságot, modern nyelvre ülteti át és a jelen korra alkalmazza. Az utóbbi, ezzel éles, de gyakran fel...Read more
feature article
Question: When the Scriptures talk about self, what do they mean? Response: The Bible doesn’t give a definition for self. It tells us some things about self. Look at Luke:9:23 And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up...Read more
question and answer
Question: Are the techniques used on people in psychotherapy reliable? Response: I can’t begin to answer that thoroughly here. I’d suggest you read Martin and Deidre Bobgan ’s book, The Psychological Way/The Spiritual Way and other books by Christians refuting the scientific claims of psychotherapy. You just can’t escape the...Read more
question and answer
Question: Tell us something about Carl Jung and his influence on psychology . Response: Freud and Jung would generally be recognized as the most fundamental figures in psychology . There is a small part of psychology that is scientific; i.e., giving tests or dealing with learning problems and so forth,...Read more
question and answer
With clear insight so typical of his writings, C.S. Lewis warned of the failure to distinguish between a modern communication of God's Word and modernism . The former, he declared, takes the unchanging and unchangeable truth of the Bible, puts it in modern language and applies it to the present...Read more
feature article