September 1986 |

September 1986

Question: But don't we think in pictures? Response: We do not think pictures, but in words. Have you ever visualized justice, or truth? What picture would you have for God, who is not to be pictured at all? Yes, the Bible does give visual descriptions of God and Christ. Let's...Read more
question and answer
Question: Doesn't the Bible use visual language? Didn't Jesus speak in parables and expect us to visualize? Response: No, it does just the opposite. The Bible is, in fact, unique for its non-visual language. When you go back over the Bible and compare it with a novel, you will find...Read more
question and answer
Question: What do you think about the teaching that we all hate ourselves and have to learn to love ourselves? Response: First of all I'd say it's not even rational. Ephesians:5:29 For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the...Read more
question and answer
This is the second of two brief discussions of so-called Christian psychology . What we are saying in few words could be thoroughly documented if we had the space, which we don't, so I am trying to be very basic. Psychology pretends to be the study of the soul; it...Read more
feature article