April 2006 | thebereancall.org

April 2006

The Gospel of Judas: More Heretical Trash From Egypt [Excerpts] The Gospel of Judas is all over the news. It has been hugely promoted by the National Geographic Society, which funded its reconstruction and translation, and has been trumpeted by practically every major news publication in the world. USA Today's...Read more
TBC Today
TBC: As noted last week, evolutionist's have mounted a full scale assault to hopefully slow the rapidly spreading cracks in the facade of evolution. Knowing that many readers have a short attention span, the common tactic used in reporting these finds is to begin with a forceful headline such as...Read more
TBC Today
House arrest for attack cat Fairfield neighbors terrorized by Lewis A ferocious feline terrorized a quiet Fairfield [Connecticut] neighborhood, to the point that residents are seeking help from the law to stop the so-called "Terrorist of Sunset Circle." Lewis, a 5-year-old, black-and-white longhaired cat, attacked at least a half-dozen people...Read more
TBC Today
TBC: It is interesting to note that the term "Heresy-hunter" is hardly new, as this excerpt from an essay of 1910 notes. HERESY-HUNTING. Some people have very confused ideas about hunting for heresy, and about Christian liberty. If a man advances and seeks to propagate teaching which I regard as...Read more
TBC Today
DOES PSYCHOTHERAPY REALLY WORK ? [Excepts]. U. S. News and World Report ( May 23, 2005 ) ran a lead article titled "Does Therapy Work? The growing controversy." Please note that the subtitle is "The growing controversy." The issue regarding the efficacy of psychotherapy is far from settled. However, people...Read more
TBC Today
http://www.macleans.ca/culture/books/article.jsp?content=20060123_120027_120027 The new book Congratulations on Your Divorce by Amy Botwinick [a Harvard grad] is yet more evidence that divorce, for many, is becoming a blessing to be celebrated,... not something to agonize over. Like Ellis, Botwinick describes divorce as an opportunity -- it's almost as if splitting up were...Read more
TBC Today
