June 2012 | thebereancall.org

June 2012

Statement on Calvinism draws approval, criticism [Excerpts] A group of current and former Southern Baptist leaders has signed a statement affirming what they call the "traditional Southern Baptist" understanding of the doctrine of salvation , with the goal of drawing a distinction with the beliefs of "New Calvinism ." The...Read more
TBC Today
Bethlehem existed centuries pre-Jesus, archaeologists say Israeli archaeologists said on [May 23, 2012] they had discovered the first physical evidence supporting Old Testament accounts of Bethlehem’s existence centuries before the town became revered as the birthplace of Jesus. The proof came, they said, in a clay seal unearthed near the...Read more
TBC Today
Indonesian Christians’ Plight Escalates [Excerpts] Bags of urine hurled by a mob of 600 Muslims at Christians attempting to attend church service is the latest in a series of disgusting acts of degradation and violence perpetrated by Indonesia’s growing Islamist movement. The Muslim mob was led by members of Indonesia’s...Read more
TBC Today
Question: Does TBC follow “Matthew 18” and first go to the authors and/or leaders it critiques in newsletters and books? Response: Matthew:18:15-17 [15] Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained...Read more
question and answer
I know of no finding in archaeology that’s properly confirmed which is in opposition to the Scriptures. The Bible is the most accurate history textbook the world has ever seen. Dr Clifford Wilson (1923-2012) was an Australian young-earth creationist archaeologist, author, and psycholinguist. He was the Director of the Australian...Read more
TBC Today
Shh! Don’t Tell Women Considering Abortion There’s a Baby [Excerpts] Pro-abortion forces are not happy that a [Texas] state law now requires abortion clinics to have patients watch a sonogram of their unborn baby, receive a medically-accurate explanation of what they are seeing, and listen to the baby’s heartbeat. This...Read more
TBC Today
