December 2012 |

December 2012

Pick New Year's Resolutions That Focus on What God Wants for You [Excerpts] Q: I've about decided I'm not going to make any New Year's resolutions this year. I've always done it, but I don't think I've ever managed to keep a single one more than a few weeks. Why...Read more
TBC Today
Dinosaur Bone Tissue Study Refutes Critics Original dinosaur tissues in fossil bones are probably the most controversial finds in all of paleontology. Secular scientists have difficulty interpreting them. They debate whether the tissues are real, based on laboratory-measured tissue decay rates, or whether the tissue decay rates are real, based...Read more
TBC Today
Study tries to scientifically link homosexuality to evolution [Excerpts] A molecular geneticist with Answers in Genesis says the media is misleading the public in reporting on a recent study suggesting a genetic connection to homosexuality. A recent study by the National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis suggests that epigenetics,...Read more
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Another Christmas season is here. Why December 25, since it's unlikely that Jesus was born at this time of year? The Roman Church simply took the Saturnalia, a licentious celebration of the winter solstice dedicated to Saturn, and Christianized it in order to convert pagan Rome. The actual effect was...Read more
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When asked in 1807 by an American merchant if he really expected to "make an impression on the idolatry of the Great Chinese Empire," Robert Morrision replied, "No, sir, I expect God will." This well-known exchange, related by Isabella Graham, epistomizes Morrion's approach to his mission to China. --J. Barton...Read more
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Is Young-Earth Creationism a Bad Choice? [Excerpts] An examination of the writings of several prominent evolutionists has shown that young-earth creationists are rarely accurately portrayed (Bell 2002). They create the impression that creationists are either scientifically incompetent or that the quality of their work falls below accepted scientific standards (Kulikovsky...Read more
TBC Today
Egypt and the Death of the ‘Arab Spring’ [Excerpts] Nearly two years after the “Arab Spring” began in Egypt, the nation’s Muslim Brotherhood president has arrogated to himself dictatorial powers, and is ramming through a new constitution that will effectively extinguish the last vestiges of Egyptian democracy and establish Egypt...Read more
TBC Today
Report: Number of Women Dying From Legal Abortions Doubles [Excerpts] The Centers for Disease Control released new national abortion figures [the week of November 18] and the mainstream media has essentially ignored the fact that the number of women dying from legal abortions has doubled. Americans United for Life President...Read more
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Rick Warren Expresses Regret Over Making Video Supporting Biblical Marriage; Family Group Concerned [Excerpts] A pro-family group is calling into question recent statements made by Rick Warren , author of The Purpose-Driven Life and pastor of Saddleback Church in California, surrounding his regret over creating a video in 2008 that...Read more
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