January 2014 | thebereancall.org

January 2014

Space Age Vindication for the Bible “He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing” ( Job:26:7 He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing. See All... ). The Earth floats in space, attached to nothing, surrounded...Read more
TBC Today
God Didn’t Create Moral Law, It Is Simply a Reflection of His Character [Excerpts] Moral truths are malleable and subjective if they aren’t grounded in a transcendent source (such as God). I’m not the only person to realize this; even honest atheists recognize the inconsistency of embracing objective moral truths...Read more
TBC Today
Ravi Zacharias: Popular Christian Apologist Speaks to 3,500 at Mormon Temple; Asks Faiths to Oppose 'Lost Morality' Together [Excerpts] Christian apologist and writer Ravi Zacharias addressed 3,500 evangelicals and Mormons at the LDS Tabernacle in Salt Lake City, Utah, asking that people from the two faiths stand together to oppose...Read more
TBC Today
We should always remember that love is the highest gift of God. All of our revelations and gifts are little things compared to love. There is nothing higher in religion. If you are looking for anything else, you are looking wide of the mark. Settle in your heart that from...Read more
TBC Today
Tony Campolo to Shutter Ministry He Started 40 Years Ago Tony Campolo, a progressive evangelical leader who counseled President Bill Clinton through the Monica Lewinsky scandal, announced Tuesday (Jan. 14) that the organization he founded nearly 40 years ago will close on June 30. Campolo, 78, plans to retire with...Read more
TBC Today
