December 2022 |

December 2022

Publicado originalmente en Diciembre de 2008 Esta es una versión actualizada de un artículo del “Llamamiento Bereano” que escribí en 2008. Normalmente, cuando escribo algo para el ministerio, mi objetivo es corregir algo que ha alejado a los cristianos de la verdad bíblica. Siempre tengo la esperanza de poder encaminarlos...Read more
feature article
In Defense of the Faith Radio Discussion On our website: More about the bible: Free eBook: Download our app: Follow us on Social Media: Check out our podcasts list: ------- When confronted with uncomfortable questions from atheists and agnostics, cultists and pagans, or skeptics...Read more
In Defense of the Faith
Robert Schueller has said, “It was Dr. [Norman Vincent] Peale who got me to go to Los Angeles…and it was [Billy] Graham who first got me to go on TV.” Recently Schuller interviewed Billy Graham on his “Hour of Power,” which has the largest television audience of any Christian program,...Read more
TBC Today
[TBC: This is an excerpt from a longer article than we can fit in the space allotted to our regular TBC Update. Consequently, the link below goes to the entire article written by a former Adventist. The article is very helpful for those who are seeking to minister to family,...Read more
TBC Today
A recent report by the BBC1 describes a new discovery of ‘modern human’ fossils in a cave in Romania. Using conventional dating methods the fossils are estimated to be about 35,000 years old.2 Although prevailing evolutionary theory has ‘modern humans’ migrating out of Africa in the last 200,000 years, these...Read more
TBC Today
Sadly, Billy Graham himself, though he has faithfully preached the gospel and many people have been saved as a result, has also betrayed the gospel. On the Larry King Live television program the day after the inauguration of President Clinton’s second term, Larry had the famous evangelist as his guest...Read more
TBC Today
No one who is acquainted with the mental condition of the great bulk of the intelligent classes in these days can doubt that a wide-spread defection from the faith exists already, and extends continually. Infidelity and rationalism in countless forms, both open and concealed, are not only rife in the...Read more
TBC Today
MARK 6:34 And Jesus, when he came out, saw much people, and was moved with compassion toward them, because they were as sheep not having a shepherd: and he began to teach them many things. MARK 8:1-2 In those days the multitude being very great, and having nothing to eat,...Read more
Get Biblical Understanding
The protest in Brussels was organized by two organizations that have fallen under scrutiny in Canada for terrorism links. Defeating Israel is part of a process to defeating the United States of America, the European Union and Canada, the leader of a Palestinian protest in Brussels declared in new footage...Read more
TBC Today
It is perhaps even more tragic when Christian leaders betray that faith while continuing to profess it. On the Phil Donahue program in 1984, Norman Vincent Peale said: “It’s not necessary to be born again. You have your way to God; I have mine. I found eternal peace in a...Read more
TBC Today
