February 2024 | thebereancall.org

February 2024

More about the End Times : https://www.thebereancall.org/topic/end_times Free eBook: https://davehunt.org/collections/all-ebooks/products/global-peace-and-the-rise-of- antichrist Purchase the book: https://store.thebereancall.org/shop/product/b60682-global-peace-and-the-rise-of- antichrist -36586?search=global Our main website: www.thebereancall.org Store: store.thebereancall.org Download our app: www.thebereancall.org/app What in the world is happening? The answer may shock you. A drama so intense that the entire universe will feel its power...Read more
Global Peace and the Rise of Antichrist
This is the PDF (Printable) Version of the TBC February 2024 Newsletter. The new LARGE PRINT version is also available by mail: Click here to order .Read more
On our website: https://www.thebereancall.org/content/t-mcmahon-jesus-martinez-and-jio-del-cristo-part-2 More topics on our website: https://www.thebereancall.org/topics Free eBooks: https://davehunt.org Download our app: https://www.thebereancall.org/app Follow us on Social Media: https://www.thebereancall.org/social Today we’re going to do part 2 of my interview with Pastors Jesus Martinez and his son Jiovanne, who’s the youth pastor with their Living Word Fellowship...Read more
Search the Scriptures 24/7
Judgment Day! Radio Discussion On our website: https://www.thebereancall.org/content/gods-selection-special-people-intolerance More about Islam : https://www.thebereancall.org/topic/islam More about Israel : https://www.thebereancall.org/topic/israel Free eBook: https://davehunt.org Tom: Thanks, Gary. In this our opening segment of Search the Scriptures, we are continuing our discussion of Dave Hunt’s latest book Judgment Day! Islam, Israel, and the Nations...Read more
Judgment Day!
This is all make-believe, supposedly coinciding with the slow and laborious ascent up “Mount Improbable” that has taken billions of years. This imaginary Mount is the central attraction in Dawkins’s Darwinian fantasyland.Read more
TBC Today
DNA sequencing technologies have been progressing rapidly over the past several decades and now finally afford the opportunity to analyze mammalian chromosomes from end to end. In the past, many regions of human and ape genomes have been very difficult to fully decipher because older DNA sequencing technologies were limited...Read more
TBC Today
“A Higher Power by Whatever Name”? Question: Why are Christians so adamantly opposed to the many other concepts of God that are honored in other religions? I agree with what Vice President Al Gore said at the 1993 Presidential Prayer Breakfast in Washington DC: “Faith in God, reliance upon a...Read more
Dave Hunt Classic
Original Biochemistry in Fossils ICR.org, 9/29/23, “Original Biochemistry in Fossils” [Excerpts]: In 1997, paleontologist Dr. Mary Schweitzer accidentally stumbled upon what appeared to be blood vessels and blood cells from a T. rex bone. Proliferating publications of apparently intact tissues, including branching blood vessels, from long-buried dinosaur bones led ICR...Read more
news alert
Those were the first words of Jesus’s response when His disciples asked Him to tell them what would characterize the time of His return at His Second Coming. Obviously, He was concerned that they would be deceived: "For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall...Read more
tbc notes
