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Title Source Post datesort ascending Author
Visualization feature article Aug 1987 Hunt, Dave
Reaction to The Seduction of Christianity feature article Jul 1987 Hunt, Dave
Guruism feature article May 1987 Hunt, Dave
Quotable quotable Apr 1987 Law, William
Our Focus is Heaven feature article Apr 1987 Hunt, Dave
Kingdom/Dominion Theology - Part II feature article Mar 1987 Hunt, Dave
Kingdom/Dominion Theology - Part I feature article Feb 1987 Hunt, Dave
False Teachings on Faith feature article Jan 1987 Hunt, Dave
Question: What do you think about the teaching that we all hate ourselves and have to learn to love ourselves? question and answer Sep 1986 TBC Staff
Question: Doesn't the Bible use visual language? Didn't Jesus speak in parables and expect us to visualize? question and answer Sep 1986 Hunt, Dave
Question: But don't we think in pictures? question and answer Sep 1986 Hunt, Dave
"Christian" Psychology - Part II feature article Sep 1986 Hunt, Dave
Question: Tell us something about Carl Jung and his influence on psychology. question and answer Jul 1986 Hunt, Dave
Question: Are the techniques used on people in psychotherapy reliable? question and answer Jul 1986 TBC Staff
Question: When the Scriptures talk about self, what do they mean? question and answer Jul 1986 Hunt, Dave
"Christian" Psychology - Part I feature article Jul 1986 Hunt, Dave
Question: What is the correct biblical use of faith? question and answer Apr 1986 Hunt, Dave
Question: There has been increasing visibility of "stigmata." Is this of God? question and answer Apr 1986 Hunt, Dave
Question: Would you please describe the problems you have with the two business courses, "New Age Thinking: and "Leadership Development-Reach For Excellence"? question and answer Apr 1986 Hunt, Dave
Question: What is your opinion of rock music? Would you condemn it? question and answer Apr 1986 Hunt, Dave
Question: Would you tell us your understanding of the endtime events? I believe in the Rapture, but when does it take place? question and answer Apr 1986 Hunt, Dave
The Ecumenical Movement feature article Apr 1986 Hunt, Dave
Question: Did the authors follow Matthew 18 and go to the people mentioned in the book [The Seduction of Christianity] before they wrote it? question and answer Feb 1986 Hunt, Dave
Question: A frequent reaction to Seduction is that it causes division within the Body. What is your response to this criticism? question and answer Feb 1986 Hunt, Dave
Response to The Seduction of Christianity feature article Feb 1986 Hunt, Dave
