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Title Sourcesort ascending Post date Author
Question: I am confused by an ongoing debate between two brothers in my Bible study. The issue is the “eternal security” of the believer vs. the possibility that one could “fall away.” What is your perspective? question and answer Apr 1994 TBC Staff
Question: I must admit to you that I’m still not 100-percent convinced of a pretrib rapture....There is one portion of Scripture that I am unable to avoid and have a difficult time reconciling to pretrib interpretation....Please help.... question and answer Jan 1997 TBC Staff
Question: Mr. Hunt, in all honesty, do you, a man who is virtually entirely silent regarding the evils of our society, really think if you had lived in Nazi Germany you would have behaved any differently...? question and answer Nov 1999 TBC Staff
Question: Was Jesus afraid of Satan killing Him prematurely? question and answer Oct 2017 TBC Staff
Question: Though I've read your excellent discussions on eternal security, I still need understanding of the following Scriptures.... question and answer Dec 2008 TBC Staff
Question: I complained to Jack Van Impe that on TV he appears to embrace Catholicism....He says that when he heard hatred dripping from the lips of those who criticize Catholics, he decided just to preach the truth. What can I do? question and answer May 2005 TBC Staff
Question: Obviously, there are many Christian teachers on radio and TV whose teaching is misleading or unbiblical....Whom do you recommend on radio, TV or in books that is the most biblically reliable? question and answer Apr 2004 TBC Staff
Question: When the Scriptures talk about self, what do they mean? question and answer Jul 1986 Hunt, Dave
Question: Why do you think Jesus rose on Sunday? question and answer Jan 2021 TBC Staff
Question: My father abused my siblings and me...for years....How do I honor this man...who has shown no evidence of repentance at all...and when I am no longer his child, by his own vow? How do I address him as “father” or “dad” ever again? question and answer Aug 2013 TBC Staff
Question [composite of a number of letters]: We are appalled at your lack of discernment on the issue of repentance....Please publicly renounce these errors; otherwise remove us immediately from your mailing list. question and answer Mar 2000 TBC Staff
Response on Youtube to "The Chosen" question and answer Dec 2021 TBC Staff
Question: I am confused about “the dead in Christ shall rise”— what does that exactly mean? question and answer Jan 2019 TBC Staff
Question: Why do you say that no life exists anywhere in the universe but on Earth? I am a born-again Christian, but I don't understand why God couldn't have made other "earths" or other life forms elsewhere in this vast universe. question and answer May 2008 TBC Staff
Question: Why do you speak of Pentecostal charismatics in such a derogatory manner? ... I resent the fact that you categorize all [of us] as believing in the "name it and claim it movement." question and answer Jan 1993 Hunt, Dave
Question: Is the peace pact that has just been signed between Israel and the PLO the covenant that Antichrist will confirm? question and answer Nov 1993 TBC Staff
Question: I’ve picked up on the internet accusations of factual errors in your book, A Woman Rides the Beast....How do you respond to these charges? question and answer Jun 1998 TBC Staff
Question: [Daniel contains key messianic prophecies as well as referring to the last days and Antichrist. For that reason it has been under attack by skeptics for centuries....Our response to critics follows.] question and answer Oct 2001 TBC Staff
Question: Shouldn't we pay more attention to "deliverance" ministries? question and answer Sep 2023 TBC Staff
Question: The Bible code continues to be popular and causes confusion in my own mind and for others. What do you have to say about this? question and answer Jul 2006 TBC Staff
Question: Some of our friends are former Catholics who have forsaken the traditions of Rome for the truth of Scripture. Recently, however, we have been saddened to see them being drawn to word-faith teaching. What can we tell them? question and answer Sep 2015 TBC Staff
Q&A: Should the conditions set forth for discipleship be mentioned prior to (or during) a gospel appeal? Since the NT designates every Christian as being a disciple, and Jesus said to "count the cost," would it not be appropriate to do so? question and answer May 2016 TBC Staff
Q&A question and answer Sep 2016
Question: Was Jesus afraid that Satan would kill Him in the Garden? question and answer Mar 2019 TBC Staff
Question: John Hagee says we should not witness to the Jewish people; God will take care of them. Is this biblical? question and answer Apr 2007 TBC Staff
Question: Do you think Judge Roy Moore was right in his actions to resist the removal of the Ten Commandments from his courtroom? If so, why? question and answer Feb 2004 TBC Staff
Question: What do you think about the teaching that we all hate ourselves and have to learn to love ourselves? question and answer Sep 1986 TBC Staff
Question: Christianity Today of May 16, 1994 seemed to defend Karen Mains whom you criticized.... They quoted T. A. McMahon and seemed to include you [Dave] among those they labeled “self-appointed heresy hunters.” Do you have any response...? question and answer Jul 1994 TBC Staff
Question: I was intrigued by [one of the] letters you printed, the one that began with “What has the Catholic Church done to make you so hateful?” I think I can help with a more objective perspective.... question and answer Jul 2000 TBC Staff
Question: Recently I heard a pastor use the phrase “falling away” (2 Thessalonians 2:3) to mean “departure” or “rapture.” ...what departure do you think we find in 2 Thessalonians 2:3? question and answer Nov 2005 TBC Staff
