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Titlesort descending Source Post date Author
Question: What is your opinion of al-Qaeda's threats to Pope Benedict XVI for quoting a Byzantine emperor who claimed that the teachings of Muhammad were "evil and inhumane" and who objected to "spreading Islam by the sword"? question and answer Nov 2006 TBC Staff
Question: What is your opinion of Christian rock music? question and answer Jun 2021 TBC Staff
Question: What is your opinion of how to interpret and act upon Jesus’s assertion in John 14:12? question and answer Dec 2019 TBC Staff
Question: What is your opinion of rock music? Would you condemn it? question and answer Apr 1986 Hunt, Dave
Question: What is your opinion of “generational sins” as supported by Bill Gothard? This teaching is splitting our church. Can you help? question and answer Oct 2003 TBC Staff
Question: What is your problem with women? question and answer May 2019 TBC Staff
Question: What is your take on the “Blood Moons” teachings we’re hearing from John Hagee, Mark Biltz, and others? Is there any validity in what they’re saying? question and answer Jul 2014 TBC Staff
Question: What might be included in “the strong delusion” in 2 Thessalonians 2:11? And is it already here, or does it only take effect after the Rapture? question and answer Jun 2004 TBC Staff
Question: What should I expect from a relationship with Jesus? question and answer Mar 2022 TBC Staff
Question: What significance did September 11 have in Bible prophecy? question and answer Mar 2004 TBC Staff
Question: What will be the church’s role in restoring Israel during the End Times? question and answer Jan 2023 TBC Staff
Question: What will stop us from sinning in heaven? question and answer Aug 2019 TBC Staff
Question: What's the difference between Jesus and God? question and answer May 2023 TBC Staff
Question: What's your view of extraterrestrials? question and answer Nov 1994 TBC Staff
Question: What’s your view of extraterrestrials? question and answer Mar 2021 TBC Staff
Question: What’s your view of extraterrestrials? question and answer Feb 2022 TBC Staff
Question: When a man gives a solid gospel message, should he be applauded? What does it mean when the Bible says God will not share His glory? question and answer Oct 2006 TBC Staff
Question: When could the Jewish leaders have asked Pilate to seal the tomb...and the women have bought linens and spices to wrap His body...without violating either of [the] back-to-back Sabbaths? question and answer Sep 2007 TBC Staff
Question: When did Jerusalem's 70-year desolation begin and end? question and answer Aug 2021 TBC Staff
Question: When God created the earth it was good, so hell could not have been "in the heart of the earth" but was created after Adam's sin....Where will the eternal Lake of Fire be located? question and answer Aug 2007 TBC Staff
Question: When I read your comment about the Amalekites being extinct, I wondered about Haman, a descendant of Amalek. Doesn’t that prove they were not completely extinct? question and answer Nov 2005 TBC Staff
Question: When questioned [on STSD] about what you said [about the Rapture], you changed your mind, so I thought I would correct you with an understanding of a partial rapture. question and answer Dec 2007 TBC Staff
Question: When the Bible refers to "sleep," what does it mean? question and answer Nov 2021 TBC Staff
Question: When the Scriptures talk about "self," what do they mean? question and answer Aug 2010 TBC Staff
Question: When the Scriptures talk about self, what do they mean? question and answer Jun 2019 TBC Staff
Question: When the Scriptures talk about self, what do they mean? question and answer Jul 1986 Hunt, Dave
Question: When were angels created? question and answer Oct 2019 TBC Staff
Question: When we…read the Bible or study it as a group, don’t we often come up with what…may have happened “between the lines”?...Should stories from the Bible never be portrayed on film? question and answer Jun 2015 TBC Staff
Question: When will "every eye see Him" (Revelation 1:7) and every knee bow (Philippians 2:10)? question and answer Feb 2007 TBC Staff
Question: When will every eye see Him and every knee bow? question and answer Jul 2023 TBC Staff
