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Title Sourcesort ascending Post date Author
Question: I’ve been listening to Bob George on the radio and am confused. He doesn’t believe in Christians confessing sin and claims that 1 John 1:9 (“if we confess our sins”) was not written to Christians but to the unsaved. Is that true? question and answer Jun 1993 Hunt, Dave
Question: ....You have stated that the Roman Catholic Church has been in apostasy for 1,500 years. How, then, can apostasy be the sign you claim it to be? question and answer Oct 1997 TBC Staff
Question: In Zechariah 5:9, who are the two women with wind in their wings, like wings of a stork? This is how the world and especially Catholics believe angels look.... question and answer Feb 2001 TBC Staff
Question: I have read your articles on replacement theology and Israel. You stated that Gentiles observing the festivals and other Torah laws were frauds. Could you please explain? question and answer Jun 2007 TBC Staff
Question: Romans 12:18 tells us, "If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men." Many Muslims want peace. Can't we accept the olive branch they offer? question and answer Jan 2008 TBC Staff
Question: What do you mean by "Mary worship?" question and answer Apr 2019 TBC Staff
Question: In your article concerning Messianic Jewish practices and/or write on a subject that you are not really qualified to speak on.... question and answer Nov 2007 TBC Staff
Question: You said it is unbiblical to teach that salvation can be lost if one fails to live a good enough life. What about the story Jesus taught about forgiveness in Matthew 18:21-35?...It seems that God does require certain fruits from our lives.... question and answer Mar 1995 TBC Staff
Question: This morning I saw James Kennedy of Coral Ridge on TV. He spoke of a “Christian takeover of the United States and the world” as involving a “paradigm shift.” Could you comment on this in your newsletter? question and answer Jul 1995 TBC Staff
Question: How can you believe both in God’s foreknowledge and that man has the power of choice? question and answer Aug 2023 TBC Staff
Question: ...Please tell me, what Bible do you own that has no mistakes in it? Could you tell me where I might be able to obtain a copy of the Scriptures with no errors? question and answer Oct 1997 TBC Staff
Question: How can you believe both in God’s foreknowledge and that man has the power of choice? If God knows ahead of time that Mr. A is going to do something, how can Mr. A decide for himself? Isn’t foreknowledge the same as predestination? question and answer Feb 2001 TBC Staff
Question: Are you forbidding Gentile believers to celebrate Jesus, our Passover Lamb, in a Passover setting? question and answer Jan 2008 TBC Staff
Question: If God has made us so that repeating a divine name invites the Spirit into our heart and soul, then what better form of prayer than to use this technique to invite the risen Christ into our hearts? question and answer Nov 2007 TBC Staff
Question: Concerning your mention of Rahab in the March 1995 TBC, where in Scripture does it actually come out and say Rahab lied and “was commended for telling a lie”? To lie is a sin! question and answer Jul 1995 TBC Staff
Question: What is the "strong delusion" in 2 Thessalonians? question and answer Jan 2023 TBC Staff
Question: A friend doesn’t seem to buy the premil [pre-millennium] position yet. [She believes] that all the eschatological positions develop over the course of history....Please comment question and answer Jul 1999 TBC Staff
Question: Pope Benedict XVI declared..."Whoever seeks peace and the good of the community with a pure conscience...will be saved even if he lacks biblical faith." Could this explain how pagans throughout history who never heard the gospel could be saved? question and answer Feb 2006 TBC Staff
Question: I overheard a lady saying that she thinks we shouldn’t argue over doctrine, but we should instead just point people to Jesus....How would you respond to that? question and answer Feb 2016 TBC Staff
Question: I know God's Word is infallible and inerrant, but I can't reconcile Jeremiah's statement that Jerusalem would be desolate for 70 years either with history or the Bible. question and answer Sep 2009 TBC Staff
Question: But don't most people think in pictures anyway? question and answer Apr 2009 TBC Staff
Question: Will you please tell me how "you alone" were given the authority to interpret Scripture "without error"? Why aren't you brave enough to admit that you believe you are infallible, since you act just like the pope? At least he is not a hypocrite. question and answer Oct 2008 TBC Staff
Question: How is it edifying to focus on false doctrine? question and answer Sep 2019 TBC Staff
Question: Does the Bible mean that we actually have eternal life now and will just enter into it when we die? Or does it teach that we don’t yet have eternal life, but we will obtain eternal life in the future? question and answer Apr 2013 TBC Staff
Question: How do unbelievers hear from God? question and answer Feb 2024 TBC Staff
Question: Aren't you making the gospel too complicated for Catholics? question and answer May 2024 TBC Staff
Question: I...never thought I would disagree with you on anything, but—in answering a letter you said, “Jesus had human blood.” If that was true, there would have been no need for the Virgin Birth.... question and answer Feb 1998 TBC Staff
Question: ...Your recent attacks upon Calvinism, a subject about which you reveal your ignorance, and your arguments against the sovereignty of God, can no longer be tolerated....Why did you...find it necessary to address Calvinism? That was your undoing! question and answer May 2001 TBC Staff
Question: I'm concerned that my friends who are committed Bible-believing Christians seem to be smitten with Glenn Beck... question and answer Jan 2011 TBC Staff
Question: Have you heard of John Piper’s philosophy of “Christian Hedonism”? It is becoming more and more popular (especially among Christian youth) and I believe it to be a very dangerous teaching. Is Piper’s philosophy biblical? question and answer Jan 2006 TBC Staff
