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Question: Wouldn't the world be better off without the guilt Christianity induces? question and answer Oct 2018 TBC Staff
Question: Wouldn't you agree that the ladies you addressed in the March 2019 newsletter have also helped women? question and answer May 2019 TBC Staff
Question: Wouldn’t I be better off just locking myself up with the Bible and look to the Holy Spirit alone as my teacher? After all, doesn’t the Bible say that I don’t need any man to teach me? question and answer Feb 2016 TBC Staff
Question: You always seem to use the KJV Bible. Why not use the modern translations that are so much easier to understand? question and answer Sep 1992 Hunt, Dave
Question: You and your people are by no means Bereans... question and answer Oct 2011 TBC Staff
Question: You are still taking a lot of hits for being right about Y2K. Even when you’re right you’re accused of being wrong. How does it feel and how do you explain this? question and answer Jun 2000 TBC Staff
Question: You believe that the “Woman” riding the beast in Revelation 17 is the Catholic Church. But what about all the other religions and sects in this world? Surely they are not going to all convert to Catholicism? question and answer Jan 2013 TBC Staff
Question: You claim that Christ became a man to pay the penalty His justice—demanded for our sins. Why would He have to become a man? Why would God go to all that trouble, when as God He could have just forgiven us? question and answer Jul 2004 TBC Staff
Question: You claim that Gentiles should not keep Jewish religious feasts because they have no meaning for anyone but Jews. Doesn’t God call the festivals His festivals in Leviticus 23...? question and answer May 1999 TBC Staff
Question: You claim that the payment for sins was not through the physical sufferings of Christ inflicted by man....Yet Isaiah 53:5 says “...and by his stripes we are healed.”...Please admit your error! question and answer May 2004 TBC Staff
Question: You claim that the RCC...went into complete apostasy and became the whore of Rev 17. If so, then Christ didn't keep His promise that "the gates of hell" would not prevail against [His] church....How do you respond? question and answer Feb 1994 TBC Staff
Question: You claim to stand firmly against heresy, yet you spoke at John MacArthur’s church.... Isn't that hypocrisy? question and answer Dec 1997 TBC Staff
Question: You confuse me. You seem to be very much opposed to psychology yet you quote some psychologists favorably and seem to rely upon the research that psychologists supply. question and answer Jun 2014 TBC Staff
Question: You have attacked the teachings of Calvin and Augustine. We’ll see which lasts the longest and stands the test of time—the writings of Augustine and Calvin and their contribution to orthodox theology or those of the writers and staff of TBC.... question and answer Jul 2012 TBC Staff
Question: You have courageously exposed Mother Teresa’s...denial of the gospel, [etc.], Yet you say she deserves our respect for her works of charity. I have heard that even her charity is not all it seems….Do you have any information in this regard? question and answer Oct 1996 TBC Staff
Question: You have criticized Islam's sponsorship of terrorism and have asked..., "What kind of God gives entrance into paradise...for killing innocent [people]?" God commanded destruction of entire populations,...How can you condemn Allah and not Yahweh? question and answer Feb 2008 TBC Staff
Question: You have criticized preterism and amillennial teaching as being unbiblical... question and answer Sep 2011 TBC Staff
Question: You have exposed several modern translations that are corruptions of the Word of God. Is The Berean Call KJV-only? question and answer Sep 2013 TBC Staff
Question: You have favored Israel in your articles and books, with little sympathy for the Palestinians suffering under enemy occupation for the last 35 years since Israel invaded and took over the West Bank and Gaza....Why do you favor their oppressors? question and answer Jan 2002 TBC Staff
Question: You have objected to Ellen G. White’s teaching on the “investigative judgment” concerning Christ’ s ongoing work as High Priest in the sanctuary in heaven. [Please comment!] question and answer Aug 1996 TBC Staff
Question: You have promoted books by A.W. Tozer, yet Tozer constantly quoted from Catholic mystics... question and answer Nov 2009 TBC Staff
Question: You have referred to the Albigenses as true Christians, yet every encyclopedia I’ve looked into says they...believed in a good god and an evil god, that they were involved in ritual suicide and immorality. How could you make such a blunder? question and answer Dec 1994 TBC Staff
Question: You have said that on Nisan 1...Nehemiah received authorization to rebuild Jerusalem and that, in keeping with Gabriel’s promise (Dn 9:25), 483 years later to the day, Jesus rode into Jerusalem on the donkey. question and answer Feb 2003 TBC Staff
Question: You have said, “Israel is the earthly people and kingdom; the church is the heavenly.” Does this mean there will be no church during the Millennium? I had always assumed I would be there. Am I wrong? question and answer Aug 2004 TBC Staff
Question: You have serious differences with Karl Keating, the head of Catholic Answers [but it looks like he] agrees with you about Islam. Shouldn’t we join forces with Roman Catholics against Islam? question and answer Aug 2005 TBC Staff
Question: You have wasted so much time researching and writing about Calvinism that you ought to be ashamed of yourself....Please respond. question and answer May 2005 TBC Staff
Question: You justify God for sending people to hell because He has provided salvation for them in Christ. That won’t do....How could a good God create anyone who He knew would suffer eternally? question and answer May 2001 TBC Staff
Question: You keep saying that Jesus is coming soon....There are many people groups that have had no opportunity to hear the gospel. How does that square with your teaching of an imminent return? question and answer May 2007 TBC Staff
Question: You once made a comment in the Q&A section that “the lighting of candles in conjunction with religious observance is a pagan and occult practice.” I beg to differ with you. God commanded the use of candles in worship of him in the Torah (Ex 25:3 question and answer Dec 2016 Dave Hunt
Question: You quoted an excerpt from Sir Robert Anderson’s book, The Bible or the Church, in which he says,.... question and answer May 2020 TBC Staff
