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Title Source Post datesort ascending Author
Quotable quotable Jul 1995 Scripture, Unknown
Question: Were you aware of [Hank Hanegraaff's] statement [about you]? question and answer Jul 1995 TBC Staff
Question: A friend of mine said you were recently in D.C. at a secular UFO conference. I didn’t see it on your itinerary. What was it and why were you there? question and answer Jul 1995 TBC Staff
Question: Concerning your mention of Rahab in the March 1995 TBC, where in Scripture does it actually come out and say Rahab lied and “was commended for telling a lie”? To lie is a sin! question and answer Jul 1995 TBC Staff
Question: Usually I find the “Quotable” spot excellent, but sadly this month’s [March 1995] extract from F. B. Meyer did not reach the usual standard,... question and answer Jul 1995 TBC Staff
Question: This morning I saw James Kennedy of Coral Ridge on TV. He spoke of a “Christian takeover of the United States and the world” as involving a “paradigm shift.” Could you comment on this in your newsletter? question and answer Jul 1995 TBC Staff
Quotable quotable Jun 1995 Various
Question: I’ve recently read documentation showing that the pretrib Rapture theory originated with a Jesuit priest…. Aren't you embarrassed to teach a doctrine that originated with a Jesuit? question and answer Jun 1995 TBC Staff
Question: President Clinton’s appointment of homosexuals and lesbians to high office has debased our country. I have never seen a more spiritually sick America! The new Catechism of the Catholic Church says that people are born gay! How would you respond? question and answer Jun 1995 TBC Staff
Question: ... Did Jesus descend into hell or not? I searched and searched the Scriptures and asked several pastors about this and still have no satisfactory answer. question and answer Jun 1995 TBC Staff
The Challenge of This Hour feature article Jun 1995 Hunt, Dave
Experience-Driven Spirituality feature article May 1995 McMahon, T.A.
Quotable quotable May 1995 Mackintosh, CH, Spurgeon, Charles
Question: ...I think you’ve really missed the mark when it comes to our self-worth. I recently read [a book] by Josh McDowell...and he says we are worth the price God paid for us--the death of His Son. Doesn't that make us of infinite value to God? question and answer May 1995 TBC Staff
Question: What has been called the “Laughing Revival” is evidently not all fun and games. I’ve been told that there is a very militant side to it. Is that true? question and answer May 1995 TBC Staff
Quotable quotable Apr 1995 Tozer, A W, Various
Question: If a Roman Catholic believes wholeheartedly in the Lord Jesus Christ and is committed to serving Him as his come he is not saved? question and answer Apr 1995 TBC Staff
Question: I recently saw a news release...titled “Evangelical Leaders Resolve Differences on Evangelical-Catholic Paper.”...What do you know about this meeting? Is there a compromise? question and answer Apr 1995 TBC Staff
What About ETIs? feature article Apr 1995 Hunt, Dave
Quotable quotable Mar 1995 Meyer, F. B., Murray, Andrew
Question: I’ve recently heard some rather persuasive arguments by Catholics for purgatory [such as] 1 Corinthians 3:10-12 [and] Hebrews 12:14....What about such scripture? question and answer Mar 1995 TBC Staff
Question: The papers have recently quoted several Christian leaders justifying from Scripture the murders of abortionists.... They claim that taking a life in order to save innocent lives is a biblical principle. What do you think? question and answer Mar 1995 TBC Staff
Question: You said it is unbiblical to teach that salvation can be lost if one fails to live a good enough life. What about the story Jesus taught about forgiveness in Matthew 18:21-35?...It seems that God does require certain fruits from our lives.... question and answer Mar 1995 TBC Staff
Baptismal Regeneration? feature article Mar 1995 Hunt, Dave
Quotable quotable Feb 1995 Ryle, J.C.
Question: I keep encountering the teaching that water baptism has no place in this dispensation; that the entire subject of water baptism is Jewish....Can you help me? question and answer Feb 1995 TBC Staff
Question: There [is] a growing teaching that only those Christians who are living holy, victorious lives at the time of the Rapture will be taken by Christ to heaven. The rest...have to face the Antichrist and be purified by martyrdom. Is this biblical? question and answer Feb 1995 TBC Staff
Question (typical of several): Dave, I’m reading your latest book, A Woman Rides the Beast....It's not being carried here in Orange County....Are you being boycotted? question and answer Feb 1995 TBC Staff
Jesus Who? feature article Feb 1995 McMahon, T.A.
Quotable quotable Jan 1995 Spurgeon, Charles, Various
