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Question: You keep saying that Jesus is coming soon....There are many people groups that have had no opportunity to hear the gospel. How does that square with your teaching of an imminent return? question and answer May 2007 TBC Staff
Question: You once made a comment in the Q&A section that “the lighting of candles in conjunction with religious observance is a pagan and occult practice.” I beg to differ with you. God commanded the use of candles in worship of him in the Torah (Ex 25:3 question and answer Dec 2016 Dave Hunt
Question: You quoted an excerpt from Sir Robert Anderson’s book, The Bible or the Church, in which he says,.... question and answer May 2020 TBC Staff
Question: You said it is unbiblical to teach that salvation can be lost if one fails to live a good enough life. What about the story Jesus taught about forgiveness in Matthew 18:21-35?...It seems that God does require certain fruits from our lives.... question and answer Mar 1995 TBC Staff
Question: You said that Jesus had no blood in His resurrected body. But He has flesh and bones. The Bible says that the life of the flesh is in the blood, so how can He have flesh without blood? question and answer Sep 2004 TBC Staff
Question: You said that the blood of Jesus shed during the beatings by Roman soldiers was not efficacious for our salvation but that the blood shed on the cross was.... Why...? question and answer Nov 2004 TBC Staff
Question: You say that Allah is a contraction of al-ilah, meaning “the chief God.” So why couldn’t that be the same as “the most high God” in the Bible (Genesis 14:18-22, etc.)...? question and answer Jul 2003 TBC Staff
Question: You say that Islam is a violent religion and that Christianity is not. Yet the Old Testament is full of commands by God to kill pagans—sometimes men, women and children. How can I justify this when I witness to Muslims? question and answer Jul 2003 TBC Staff
Question: You say that “the Lord will come as a thief in the night” (2 Pt 3:10) refers to the Rapture. If so, why does Revelation 16:15 use the same terminology (“Behold, I come as a thief...”) in relation to Armageddon? question and answer Nov 2003 TBC Staff
Question: You say, “...Calvinists teach that God is the author of sin....” Dave, this is a falsehood....That you are in error in this is so glaringly obvious I keep wondering why I have to keep pointing these things out to you.... question and answer Jun 2002 TBC Staff
Question: You say...we esteem ourselves too much. Yet Jesus Christ said, "Love your neighbor as yourself"...and many preachers teach [the need for] self-esteem and self-love. Who are you to disagree? question and answer Sep 1993 TBC Staff
Question: You seem to bear a lot of responsibility in prejudicing Christian leaders against [Gail Riplinger's] book, yet without having ever read it! Isn’t it time to repent? question and answer May 2000 TBC Staff
Question: You seem to discount the value of studying Greek and Hebrew in order to be able to understand the Bible better. A friend of mine is trying to persuade me to go to seminary in order to learn the original biblical languages. Why shouldn’t I? question and answer Sep 2003 TBC Staff
Question: You state that Jewish feasts "are specifically for Jews to keep...," but I fail to find any Scripture that so states or even so implies. question and answer Oct 2007 TBC Staff
Question: You stated (TBC, May '04) that the Hebrew noun chabburah…is singular in Isaiah 53:5, indicating one blow from God….” I pointed out to you that this very word is unmistakably plural in the Hebrew.... question and answer Sep 2004 TBC Staff
Question: You teach that God is not the creator of evil.... Hear God: “I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things” (Is 45:7)....Perhaps you will answer this in your newsletter.... question and answer Apr 2016 TBC Staff
Question: You teach that God is not the creator of evil....Hear God: “I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things” (Is 45:7)....God tells us that He creates evil. question and answer Nov 2002 TBC Staff
Question: You teach that upon death Christians go to be with Christ. And yet the Bible says they rise from their graves at Christ’s return. How can they be in heaven and rise from their graves, too? question and answer Nov 2002 TBC Staff
Question: You write, “[the Antichrist] is almost certainly alive right now,” and, “We believe that the the next event on the prophetic calendar, and that it must occur very soon.” Why do you believe this? question and answer Nov 1998 TBC Staff
Question: You're too critical. You need to temper your teaching by realizing you're not infallible. question and answer Apr 2018 TBC Staff
Question: You've said, "Through the witness of creation and His laws written in their consciences, God has always been able to bring those with open hearts to Himself...." Doesn't Romans 10:13 contradict your assertion? question and answer Apr 2008 TBC Staff
Question: Your "faultless" doctrines come ultimately from Jewish thinking.... Your eschatological errors didn't significantly exist in Christendom until Edward Irving, John Darby, the Plymouth Brethren, et al., came along with Jewish ideas. question and answer Feb 2006 TBC Staff
Question: Your book, A Cup of Trembling, claims that no real peace can come between Israel and her Arab neighbors because Islam itself demands Israel’s destruction. Yet in its historic April 24 meeting the PLO’s…. question and answer Jul 1996 TBC Staff
Question: Your book, A Cup of Trembling, seems prejudiced against the Arabs. You make much of Arab terrorism but never mention the acts of terrorism by Israelis….What about the murder of 49 peaceful Muslims in the mosque in Hebron? question and answer Mar 1996 TBC Staff
Question: Your Dec. 2005 article, "Wonderful Love," was especially uplifting [but] I question where you say, "He [God]...caused Him [Christ] to endure the eternal Lake-of-Fire...." I am wondering WHICH book of the Bible you got that from?! question and answer Sep 2006 TBC Staff
Question: Your December [1997] article contained a false statement that could lead many astray: “For [Israel] eternal life came through keeping the Law....” It might be well to publish a correction as this statement could cause confusion. question and answer Feb 1998 TBC Staff
Question: Your November issue has a misleading statement that needs to be publicly corrected: “In spite of Pentecostal and charismatic claims that no Christian need ever be sick....” I am an AOG pastor. Neither my denomination nor I believe that. question and answer Jan 1993 Hunt, Dave
Question: Your recent...Q & A...seemed to include the Rapture and thus in the church. [This] view...nullifies any distinction between Israel and the church....What is your response? question and answer Jan 1993 Hunt, Dave
Question: Your TBC Daily Update on The Hunger Games (4/4/2012) seems to have missed the point....They couldn’t stand watching most of it, but the moral lessons were certainly there, very much so. Did you miss them? question and answer Jun 2012 TBC Staff
Question: [A publishing executive] told an audience to throw away your books as worthless, full of holes....[You spoke with him] and asked provide you with documentation of any errors....Did he ever do so? question and answer Jan 2004 TBC Staff
