February 2002 | thebereancall.org

February 2002

For many years God has been more or less barred from America's public schools and public life. Then came the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Suddenly the word "God" was back in public vogue. Political leaders were falling over themselves to assure everyone that they were part of the...Read more
feature article
Question: Did you see the PBS documentary, Islam : Empire of Faith ? In contrast to programs that PBS and other networks produce about Christianity, which always take the liberal, Bible-denying perspective, the documentary was amazingly respectful toward that religion [ Islam ]. None of the scholars interviewed questioned the...Read more
question and answer
Question: Were Adam and Eve created perfect? If so, how could they sin? If they were created with a will that could choose to sin, how could they have been perfect? Response: The Bible says that “God saw every thing that he had made, and behold, it was very good”...Read more
question and answer
Question: There has been a good bit of talk in the media recently about Islam undergoing a reformation much like the Protestant Reformation in the sixteenth century. Supposedly that would make for a “kinder, gentler” Islam . Is that possible? And if so, wouldn’t you have to retract the harsh...Read more
question and answer
Question: I have been receiving your newsletter for a couple of months now and am somewhat dismayed that you have singled out Lutherans as being problematic without regard to what synod you refer to....I am a Missouri Synod [LCMS] Lay Minister who is alarmed at some of the definitely non-Christian...Read more
question and answer
Servant of Christ, stand fast amid the scorn Of men who little know or love thy Lord; Turn not aside from toil; cease not to warn, Comfort and teach. Trust Him for thy reward: A few more moments’ suffering, and then Cometh sweet rest from all thy heart’s deep pain...Read more
