September 2002 |

September 2002

Question : I was not aware until recently that, like Lutherans, those who claim to be of “Reformed” faith, such as Presbyterians, practice infant baptism. Do they believe that baptism saves the infant? They say it is like circumcision for Jews. Is this biblical? Response : Luther and Calvin had...Read more
question and answer
Question : We had a young Muslim man view the Jesus video and we read the Ten Commandments to him. He was greatly impressed by the “values” and “human rights” taught by Jesus. Eventually he was baptized. Through his witnessing to other Muslims via internet chat rooms, he learned of...Read more
question and answer
Question : Arafat can’t last forever. What do you think will happen when he is gone? Could this bring peace? When will that be in relation to the Rapture? Response : Biblical prophecy gives a broad picture, but not the details of what will happen in the Middle East. We...Read more
question and answer
Tyndale wrote, “The Scribes and Pharisees had thrust up the sword of the word of God into a sheath of glosses.... Now, O God, draw this sharp sword from the scabbard. Strike, wound, cut asunder the soul and flesh, so that man...may be in peace with thee to all eternity!”...Read more
Before man was created Satan had already rebelled and taken countless angels with him. How many angels and how long before, we don't know. Tragically, the insurrection spread from heaven to earth. At Satan's enticement, the first man and woman defied their Maker, bringing destruction and death upon this new...Read more
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