January 2003 | thebereancall.org

January 2003

Work has begun on the production of a new TBC radio format which will replace (in many areas) our broadcast of Search the Scriptures Daily. The program will continue on a limited number of stations, as well as on short wave and CD/cassette through monthly subscriptions. We're hopeful that our...Read more
TBC Today
In attempting to evaluate the status of psychology , the American Psychological Association appointed Sigmund Koch to plan and direct a study which was subsidized by the National Science Foundation. This study involved eighty eminent scholars in assessing the facts, theories, and methods of psychology . The results of this...Read more
TBC Today
"I have more to boast about than ever any man had. I am the only man that has ever been able to keep a whole church together since the days of Adam. A large majority of the whole have stood by me. Neither Paul, John, Peter, nor Jesus ever did...Read more
TBC Today
As far back as 1837 Joseph Smith said the moon was inhabited. "He described the men as averaging near six feet in height, and dressing quite uniformly in something near the Quaker style. In my patriarchal blessing, given by the father of Joseph the Prophet, in Kirtland, 1837, I was...Read more
TBC Today
Man Says: "God's reason for creating Adam was His desire to reproduce Himself. I mean a reproduction of Himself, and in the Garden of Eden He did just that. He was not a little like God. He was not almost like God. He was not subordinate to God even. ...Read more
TBC Today
Man says: Jehovah's Witnesses teach that Jesus Christ was raised from the dead with a "spirit body" rather than with an immortal, glorified human body. Jehovah's Witnesses reason that if Jesus "gave" his flesh for our life, he could not receive back his life in the flesh without depriving us...Read more
TBC Today
"We are often asked if we are ‘Christian psychologists' and find it difficult to answer since we don't know what the question implies. We are Christians who are psychologists but at the present time there is no acceptable Christian psychology that is markedly different from non-Christian psychology . It is...Read more
TBC Today
The Associated Press: The Beloit Angel Museum features more than 7,500 angel statues displayed wing-to-wing in a former Roman Catholic church that was spared destruction so it could house the figures. They come in an amazing variety. There are angels made of resin, porcelain, drinking straws, pasta, coal, tin, ceramic,...Read more
TBC Today
Fully Developed Organs All species appear fully developed, not partially developed. They show design.There are no examples of half-developed feathers, eyes, skin, tubes (arteries, veins, intestines, etc.), or any of thousands of other vital organs. Tubes that are not 100 percent complete are a liability; so are partially developed organs...Read more
TBC Today
