February 2003 | thebereancall.org

February 2003

I n an article titled “ Psychology Goes Insane, Botches Role as Science ,” psychologist Roger Mills writes: The field of psychology today is literally a mess. There are as many techniques, methods and theories around as there are researchers and therapists. I have personally seen therapists convince their clients...Read more
TBC Today
The changing of the year is the time when “New Year’s resolutions” are solemnly sworn, promises are made, hope springs again and optimistic plans are laid for the year ahead. In his classical book, A Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life, William Law mentions two men, each completely...Read more
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What folly to insist upon taking your own way to heaven, a place where you have never been and which you don’t even know how to reach! Obviously, God alone is entitled to decide whom He will allow to enter there, and upon what terms. Dave Hunt, In Defense of...Read more
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(AP) 1/20/03- Orange County city councils are accepting a new reality for the new year - God is welcome at their meetings, but Jesus isn't. That's the result of a California appellate court ruling that the Supreme Court let stand last month. Orange County city councils are now starting to...Read more
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Man says: "Satan conquered Jesus on the Cross and took His spirit to the dark regions of hell" . (Kenneth Copeland, Holy Bible: Kenneth Copeland Reference Edition (Fort Worth: Kenneth Copeland Ministries, 1991), 129.) Copeland believes that Jesus' death on the cross was not enough to atone for our sins...Read more
TBC Today
Unlocking the Mysteries of Life Dean Kenyon, with co-author Gary Steinman, wrote a book called Biochemical Predestination in 1969. In the book he stated, “Life might have been biochemically predestined by the properties of attraction that exist between its chemical parts…particularly between amino acids in proteins.” He was totally convinced...Read more
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(AP) NEW DELHI - India, always eager to outdo China, plans to build the world’s tallest statue of Buddha at 152.4 meters (500 feet), a newspaper reported Sunday. The bronze statue, three times as high as the Statue of Liberty in New York, will be the showcase of a 300...Read more
TBC Today
Man says: Former First Lady Mrs. Clinton, defending her practice of occultist Jean Houston’s teachings, stated: "Now I'm sure that there will be a talk-show host somewhere who will point out with great glee that I have gone over the edge and am talking to myself and to Mrs. Roosevelt...Read more
TBC Today
Some well-meaning people, forgetting that the issue is truth and not wanting to cause offense, insist that the gods of all religions are simply different names for the same Being or Force. Such an idea, however, is like a man declaring that all women in the world, no matter what...Read more
TBC Today
O sing unto the Lord a new song…. Paul Recer, AP Science Writer, Nando Times, 12/13/02 Washington, December 13, 2002: A new study by researchers at Dartmouth College in Hanover, N.H., suggests that recalling that melody is the job of a part of the brain known as the rostromedial prefrontal...Read more
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