March 2003 |

March 2003

Bogus Beliefs Part of the advertising copy for a book supposedly making Christianity relevant again: OPEN CHRISTIANITY Home by Another Road by Jim Burklo * Is Christianity the only true path to God? * Was Jesus uniquely divine? * The "hard questions" of theology: death, sin, good and evil, resurrection,...Read more
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Israel and Islam An Islamic website published the text of a 1993 speech extolling the equality enjoyed by non-Muslims in Muslim countries: “Dr. Hussain has given expression to the kind of most compassionate and fair treatment non-Muslim minorities should receive at the hands of the Muslim majority, according to the...Read more
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Contending for the Faith True faith requires that we believe everything God has said about Himself, but also that we believe everything He has said about us. Until we believe that we are as bad as God says we are, we can never believe that He will do for us...Read more
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Seeking and Finding God There is no way that chemical reactions and electrical impulses among the brain's cells can explain a sense of right and wrong, the beauty of a sunset, or the rational and moral choices we continually make. No material of any kind, either in the brain or...Read more
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"No Doubt We're In The Last Days" News Iran Focus 8-20-2004 IRAN - On Sunday, August 15, a 16-year-old girl in the town of Neka , northern Iran , was executed. Ateqeh Sahaleh was hanged in public on Simetry Street off Rah Ahan Street at the city center. The sentence...Read more
TBC Today
(By Itamar Marcus and Barbara Crook, Palestinian Media Watch) In a vulgar distortion of history, the PA media often compare the Palestinian situation to the suffering of the Jews in the Holocaust. The PA's latest propaganda film about "refugees" draws on a well-known image from Holocaust history -- dead Jews...Read more
TBC Today
As soon as Mel Gibson's directorial end-credit popped up on the black screen, I made a dash up the aisle while searching my jacket pockets for my cell phone. Hardly anyone else stirred, giving me clear sailing to the exit. I wanted to hang around to see how people were...Read more
TBC Today
On an educational program on PA TV, two senior Palestinian Authority [PA] historians went to great lengths to deny ancient Jewish history and erase the Jewish connection to the Land of Israel . At the same time they describe an ancient Palestinian-Arab history, creating a historical connection to the land...Read more
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To “spin” something means to shape an account so that it is as positive as possible to the one who is discussed. This is nothing new and historical examples abound. It is understandable that an ancient king would like to spin the message of one of his greatest defeats. What...Read more
TBC Today
Bogus Beliefs “. . . German Jesuit Fr. Heinrich Pfeiffer reports that he has rediscovered the legendary veil of Veronica, with which Jesus wiped his face on the road to Calvary . . . . A small piece of stained pale cloth kept in this tiny village has long been...Read more
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