May 2004 |

May 2004

AP, 4/7/04: Salt Lake City—A delegation of Illinois officials apologized to leaders of the Mormon Church on Wednesday for the 1844 murder of the church’s founder and the expulsion of Mormons from Illinois. Lt. Gov. Pat Quinn and others made the trip to Utah a week after the Illinois House...Read more
news alert
Question: You claim that the payment for sins was not through the physical sufferings of Christ inflicted by man, but spiritual sufferings endured at the hands of God. Yet Isaiah:53:5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon...Read more
question and answer
Question: A friend recently got involved with something at his church called The Alpha Course. It convinced him that by learning certain techniques one “can hear directly from God.” What is The Alpha Course? Is it widespread? Answer: God’s power can no more be “activated” by techniques than can His...Read more
question and answer
[Idolatry] is a pestilence that walks in the Church of Christ...that sin which God has especially denounced in His which the Jews seem to have been most inclined before the destruction of Solomon’s temple....It brought on Israel the armies of Egypt, Assyria, and Babylon...scattered the ten tribes, burned up...Read more
This is the pdf version of the May 2004 The Berean Call .Read more
