June 2006 | thebereancall.org

June 2006

An Ugly Phoenix Reborn [Excerpts] European anti-Semitism is more widespread than has been let on. In the middle of the first decade of the third millennium, anti-Semitism in Europe has made a horrifying comeback. One of the most dramatic examples was the February murder in France of Ilan Halimi, a...Read more
TBC Today
Failing the test Saudi Arabia: Jihadist textbooks live on in Saudi-supported Islamic schools In Saudi Arabia, a first-grader learns in Monotheism and Jurisprudence class that Jews and Christians are destined for hellfire. Hating them becomes the foundation years later for 12th-grade textbooks that exhort him to wage militant jihad against...Read more
TBC Today
[TBC: As the days pass, the attacks against the Bible become more violent and direct. Consider the following example from a textbook entitled "Invitation to Critical Thinking," which very possibly will find a place in classrooms in Canada. Each book costs the schools $59 each. "Critical Thinking" (which is not...Read more
TBC Today
Even though the Bible does not teach self-love, self-esteem, self-worth, or self-actualization as virtues, helps, or goals, a vast number of present-day Christians have been deceived by the self-teachings of humanistic psychology . Rather than resisting the enticement of the world they become culture-bound. Not only do they not resist...Read more
TBC Today
May 05, 2006 Brian McLaren's Inferno: the provocative church leader explains his view of hell [Excerpts] No contributor to "Out of Ur" ["Christianity Today's" blog] has elicited more responses than Brian McLaren. Part of McLaren’s appeal is his courage to rethink long-held evangelical assumptions and call the church to shed...Read more
TBC Today
This video from out 2006 Conference has been re-digitized; watch our first conference with clearer audio and video. T.A. McMahon is president and executive director of The Berean Call ministry, editor-in-chief and contributing writer for The Berean Call newsletter, co-author of The Seduction of Christianity , America: The Sorcerer's New...Read more
