April 2008 | thebereancall.org

April 2008

“Is there any man that thinks in chains like the man who calls himself a free-thinker? Is there any man so credulous as the man who will not believe in the Bible? He swallows a ton of difficulties, and yet complains that we have swallowed an ounce of them. He...Read more
TBC Today
Ken Ham: Darwinism connected to, but not cause of racism [Excerpts] [W]hile racism did not begin with Darwinism, the theories promoted by Darwin did fan the flames of racist thought and ideology. The founder of... Answers in Genesis says in the book The Descent of Man, Charles Darwin applied his...Read more
TBC Today
Reversing the roles of the Arabs and Israel [Excerpts] A Jihad Watch reader asked [Jihad Watch contributer Hugh Fitzgerald]: “If the Israel /Palestinian conflict were exactly the same as it is, only the roles of the two warring parties were exactly reversed, would you then switch allegiances to the Palestinian...Read more
TBC Today
The Muslim Students Association and the Jihad Network [Excerpts] As early as the 1980s, operatives from the Muslim Brotherhood, parent group for al Qaeda and Hamas, formulated a blueprint for a "jihadist process" that would ultimately sabotage the "miserable house" of the United States. These Muslim Brotherhood operatives saw that...Read more
TBC Today
PRESS RELEASE: ASSEMBLY COMMITTEE APPROVES BILL THAT WOULD CRIMINALIZE SPANKING AND THREATEN PARENTAL AUTHORITY (4/15/08) [Excerpts] SACRAMENTO – Assembly Bill 2943 (Lieber) was approved today by the Assembly Committee on Public Safety. If approved by the Legislature and signed by the governor, the bill would make the ordinary practice of...Read more
TBC Today
[TBC: We have reported on the Templeton Prize (and recipients) on a number of occasions. New ager John Marks Templeton is uncompromisingly hostile to Scripture. Consequently, it is not surprising that the prize winner this year is a Roman Catholic priest absolutely opposed to the Scriptural account of Creation.] A...Read more
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