September 2011 |

September 2011

ADAM & EVE: Clarifying what is at stake [Excerpts] Recent evangelical discussion concerning Adam and Eve has served at least one good purpose -- it has helped to clarify what is theologically at stake in the debate. The recent report by National Public Radio alerted the larger secular culture to...Read more
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Pat Robertson forgets: Marriage is about sacrifice, too [Excerpts] Christian televangelist Pat Robertson told his viewers that it is okay for a man to divorce his wife if she has Alzheimer's disease….Yet with his latest offense, Robertson may have given evangelicals and Americans reason to hope that our belief in...Read more
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[TBC: Excerpts on the appeal to the UN to recognize a “Palestinian” state.”] If Israel Disappears [Excerpts] The world -- or at least the large part of it that hates Israel and wishes it would go away --- [sought to move] a step nearer that goal when the United Nations...Read more
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You could not be saved through any effort of your own, but now that you are saved it is necessary for you to put forward every effort you can to glorify Him. --H.A. IronsideRead more
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[TBC: A reader ran across the following quote and sent it on to us, asking “how could one stay in such a group?”] Even if the Pope were Satan incarnate, we ought not to raise up our heads against him, but calmly lie down to rest on his bosom. He...Read more
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Canada’s feds paying full maternity benefits after abortion [Excerpts] Pro-life Canadians have complained for years that they are forced to pay for the direct killing of unborn children through the country’s health system. It turns out they are also paying for abortive mothers to get full maternity benefits. Canada’s employment...Read more
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Pro-Sharia Lunacy at the New York Times [Excerpts] On September 2, The New York Times published an opinion piece by Yale University’s Eliyahu Stern titled, “Don’t Fear Islamic Law in America.” The article compares the fight against Sharia law to anti-Semitism and depicts it as being based in anti-Muslim bigotry...Read more
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The Kinsey legacy [Excerpts] Our children are under attack by an insidious and virulent enemy. On August 17, 2011, more than 50 activists attended a conference for “minor-attracted adults,” i.e., pedophiles, which sought to eliminate the “stigma” attached to pedophilia and to redefine pedophilia as a normal “sexual orientation.” The...Read more
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Of all influences that cause men to choose wrong, selfishness is undoubtedly the strongest. Where it is, the Spirit is not. — William R. Bradford (Leader of the Pilgrim settlers of Plymouth, Massachusetts).Read more
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New Pew Poll Undercuts Left’s “Islamophobia” Card [Excerpts] The results of [the] Pew Research Center’s latest public opinion survey of Muslim Americans, released on August 30, 2011...confirm that Islamic extremism in the U.S. is a real problem – not something made up by so-called “Islamophobes” — and that many in...Read more
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