May 2015 |

May 2015

Hello Tom, In November 1979, I was saved after reading the book of Revelation repeatedly over the previous six months. My religious upbringing had been in Roman Catholicism , just like yours. All four of my grandparents emigrated from Italy. So Roman Catholicism wasn’t just a religion, it was a...Read more
Question: I have always believed in moral absolutes, which must be determined by some ultimate standard outside of any opinion that originates with mankind, and thus by God alone. Recently, however, an atheist friend has tried to persuade me that ethics and morality can be derived simply by determining what...Read more
question and answer
The doctrine regarding the Trinity (the three Persons of the Godhead) isn’t something that any finite individual can fully comprehend. The concept is beyond the grasp of our mortal minds. And yet, God has given to mankind a great deal of information about the Trinity throughout the Scriptures—information that His...Read more
feature article
In our zeal to get the world to accept the gospel, we must be careful that we don't give them a gospel that is "acceptable" to the world. — Dave HuntRead more
When and Where Was the Sermon on the Mount? Question: Concerning the famous Sermon on the Mount, Luke:6:12 And it came to pass in those days, that he went out into a mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God. See All... , 17 says Jesus came...Read more
question and answer
Nuggets from "Whatever Happened to Heaven?" by Dave Hunt" Were the martyrs defeated? Was Paul defeated? Were those who died in the arenas or at the stake defeated? No, a thousand times no! They demonstrated genuine victory—the same victory that Christ manifested over hatred, abuse, ridicule, suffering, death, and Satan...Read more
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