January 2018 | thebereancall.org

January 2018

The Bible allows for no compromise, no discussion, no dialogue with the world’s religions (remember, Christianity is not a religion but distinct from all of them) in search for common ground. There is no common ground as far as God, Jesus Christ, and salvation are concerned. The very suggestion that...Read more
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How amazing that religions that rely upon good works and rituals are considered to be “faiths.” Faith can only engage the unseen and eternal and, therefore, does not mix with works and ritual. In search of a valid faith, it is folly to look at that which is visible. Even...Read more
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PLOS ONE [ Science blog] reported the recent discovery of a megatheropod—a large, two-legged dinosaur much like a T Rex—in Africa.1 The authors of the report gave the impressive dimensions—almost 30 feet long—of the Kayentapus ambrokholohali as well as several formidable-looking three-toed footprints that are the largest theropod tracks ever...Read more
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When the Bnei Israel first came to Israel from India in 1952, little was known about their history, and their connection to the Jewish people was rejected by the Chief Rabbi of Israel . However, a new genetic study has justified their claims.... Theories about the origins of the Bnei...Read more
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No one can pay for his own sins, either by sacrifice (even of himself in death) or by good works. Only Christ, who is God and man in one person and who lived without any sin, could pay for the sins of the world. Nor can we merit, earn, or...Read more
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The tendency of the present day is to underestimate sin and to misunderstand its nature. From the cross of Christ men strike out the very elements which intimate the divine opinion of its evil. Sin is admitted to be an evil, greater or less according to circumstances; a hereditary poison,...Read more
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On Friday, November 24, some 30 gunmen carrying the Islamic State flag bombed and stormed a Sufi mosque in Egypt’s North Sinai, about 125 miles northeast of Cairo. They managed to massacre at least 305 people, 27 of whom were children. “The scene was horrific,” said Ibrahim Sheteewi, an eyewitness...Read more
TBC Today
This grave error of sacramentalism persists even a majority of those who call themselves Christians. They imagine that through participation in the visible and thus temporal, sacrament, they receive invisible and eternal spiritual benefits. Clearly, this is impossible. The Bible declares, “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the...Read more
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