July 2021 | thebereancall.org

July 2021

Was a Virgin Birth Essential? Question: The virgin birth of Jesus is presented as one of the cornerstones of Christianity for both Catholics and Christians. I don’t see why this is essential. My pastor says the Bible doesn’t even teach it. The Hebrew world alma , translated virgin in most...Read more
Dave Hunt Classic
United Methodist Drag Queen Candidate ReligionNews.com, 4/15/21, “First drag queen certified as a candidate for United Methodist ministry ‘speaking in a new way to new people’” [Excerpts]: A few things were different about Sunday’s virtual service at Hope United Methodist Church in Bloomington, Illinois. For one, there were a few...Read more
news alert
The Leaven of Works Salvation If I were to pick the most popular heresy believed throughout Christendom it would be “works salvation .” This is the belief that a person can merit heaven either fully or in part because of his or her good works. The Roman Catholic Church, whose...Read more
tbc notes
And Jesus said unto them, Come ye after me, and I will make you to become fishers of men.— Mark:1:17 And Jesus said unto them, Come ye after me, and I will make you to become fishers of men. See All... Only by coming after Jesus can we obtain our...Read more
Dear TBC, [Concerning your email “Are You Ready for Christ’s Return?”] Amen! But many are not, which is why we cannot stop preaching the Gospel and praying and instructing all who will renounce sin/the works of darkness; and continue teaching God’s written word about how to grow in grace and...Read more
Question: Do you ever worry that you’ve become a legalist, constantly holding others to the letter of the law as you see it? Response: I understand what you mean about legalism. The letter kills, while the Spirit gives life. One can be as clear as crystal on doctrine and just...Read more
question and answer
Question: I’ve heard you on radio and read your newsletters, etc., and wondered whether you might be too sharp with the tongue and too quick with the pen when it comes to acknowledging the deeds and misdeeds of others in the faith. Didn’t Christ say, “Judge not, that ye not...Read more
question and answer
Question: Paul wrote that “the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets” ( 1 Corinthians:14:32 And the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets. See All... ). Wouldn’t that mean that a prophet can prophesy at will? If so, wouldn’t that substantiate the belief that those...Read more
question and answer
Biblical basics: why are they so important to revisit? First and foremost, if I don’t know the fundamentals of what I claim to believe, I can’t live it out in truth. I can’t understand it, nor can I teach it or share it. Men who are biblical Christians, Scripture declares,...Read more
feature article
The first rough drafts of the human genome were reported in 2001 (one in the private sector and one in the public sector).1-2 Since then, after 20 years of intensive globally conducted research, the data has revealed a wealth of complexity that has completely upset all of the original evolutionary...Read more
TBC Today
