September 2023 |

September 2023

Welcome to According to God's Word. A program in which we encourage looking to the Bible alone for all of what God says about Himself, what He expects of us, and most importantly, what He has done for us that we might spend eternity with Him. The entire Romans series...Read more
According to God's Word
More about The Bible: Free eBook: Download our app: Follow us on Social Media: Seven stirring messages to increase your appreciation of and confidence in the Word of God! * The Authority of Scripture 4/17 * The Inerrancy of Scripture * The Sufficiency of Scripture *...Read more
Dave Hunt Classic
The New Atheists’ aggressiveness and organization is a recent phenomenon, light years beyond the days when Madalyn Murray O’Hair was the only well-known atheist. Never before have atheists been so belligerent as a group nor has atheism been so openly confessed and so popular among so many. Between the four...Read more
TBC Today
Some critics of biblical (‘young-earth’) creation dishonestly claim that it is a novel view. Anti-creationist historian Ronald Numbers claimed that it was invented by Ellen White, the founder of Seventh-day Adventism. This fallacy unfortunately gained traction amongst a lot of old-earth advocates. Old-earth, ‘progressive’ creationist Dr Hugh Ross went even...Read more
TBC Today
A former Texas biology professor has filed a religious discrimination charge with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission against his former employer, St. Philips College, alleging administrators fired him for teaching sex is determined by X and Y chromosomes. The EEOC complaint is the first step in filing a lawsuit...Read more
TBC Today
Read the atheist’s books and listen to their talks. They overflow with the same evangelistic fervor for which they criticize evangelical Christians. The major goal in life for Dawkins and his fellow New Atheists is to convert the world to atheism . They consider evangelism for atheism a legitimate, even...Read more
TBC Today
I think it was at Gezer, where we excavated over a period of quite a few days. All we were going through in one area was a whole lot of black ash, and it was very discouraging. Professor Nelson Glueck—a very important archaeologist who gave the world the idea of...Read more
TBC Today
More episodes: More about the Bible: Free eBook: Download our app: 1 CHRONICLES 19:13 Be of good courage, and let us behave ourselves valiantly for our people, and for the cities of our God: and let the LORD do that which is good in his sight...Read more
Get Biblical Understanding

Wehe der sündigen Nation, dem Volke, belastet mit Ungerechtigkeit, dem Samen der Übeltäter, den verderbt handelnden Kindern! Sie haben Jehova verlassen, haben den Heiligen Israels verschmäht, sind rückwärts gewichen. – Jesaja 1,4

Ursprünglich erschienen am 1. Mai 2007.

Die meisten von uns begreifen nicht, in welche Abgründe der Verderbtheit die...Read more

feature article

„Wer wird wider Gottes Auserwählte Anklage erheben?“ – Römer 8,33

Eine gesegnete Herausforderung! Wie unwiderlegbar ist sie! Jede Sünde der Auserwählten wurde auf den großen Meister unseres Heils gelegt und durch das Sühnopfer hinweggetragen. Es gibt keine Sünde in Gottes Buch gegen sein Volk: Er sieht keine Sünde in Jakob...Read more

