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Titlesort descending Source Post date Author
In Defense of the Faith question and answer Sep 2012 Hunt, Dave
In Defense of the Faith question and answer Feb 2013 Hunt, Dave
In Defense of the Faith question and answer Oct 2014 Hunt, Dave
In Defense of the Faith question and answer Feb 2016 Hunt, Dave
In Defense of the Faith question and answer Oct 2012 Hunt, Dave
In Defense of the Faith question and answer Mar 2013 Hunt, Dave
In Defense of the Faith question and answer Dec 2014 Hunt, Dave
In Defense of the Faith question and answer Mar 2016 Hunt, Dave
In Defense of the Faith question and answer Apr 2013 Hunt, Dave
In Defense of the Faith question and answer Apr 2016 Hunt, Dave
In Defense of the Faith question and answer Jun 2013 Hunt, Dave
In Defense of the Faith question and answer Jan 2015 Hunt, Dave
In Defense of the Faith question and answer Jul 2013 Hunt, Dave
In Defense of the Faith question and answer Feb 2015 Hunt, Dave
In Defense of the Faith question and answer Jun 2016 Hunt, Dave
In Defense of the Faith question and answer Jun 2012 Hunt, Dave
In Defense of the Faith - September question and answer Sep 2016 Hunt, Dave
In Defense of the Faith - Why can't the gospels agree? question and answer May 2016 Hunt, Dave
Question (composite of several): Is it not true that 10 of the 12 tribes of Israel have been lost and that those known as Jews today are only from the tribes of Judah and Benjamin....? question and answer Nov 1992 Hunt, Dave
Question (composite of several): One of the hottest books in Christian bookstores is Quenching the Spirit by William De Arteaga....What do you think of it? question and answer Nov 1992 Hunt, Dave
Question (composite): Your comments about AIDS and homosexuality in the March newsletter were inaccurate and promoted bigotry....The homosexuals I know are very loving and kind. We need to love and accept them. question and answer May 1993 Hunt, Dave
Question: A frequent reaction to Seduction is that it causes division within the Body. What is your response to this criticism? question and answer Feb 1986 Hunt, Dave
Question: A high percentage of Southern Baptist laymen and pastors belong to the Masonic Lodge....Is there a conflict between Masonry and Christianity? question and answer Jun 1992 Hunt, Dave
Question: An article in Karl Keating's This Rock, July 1992...says Dave Hunt doesn't know the difference between redemption and salvation.... How would you respond? question and answer Oct 1992 Hunt, Dave
Question: But don't we think in pictures? question and answer Sep 1986 Hunt, Dave
Question: Concerning your November 1992 article, I hope you will be big enough to admit your error. “By His stripes ye were healed” does indeed refer to physical healing.... question and answer Apr 1993 Hunt, Dave
Question: Could you take the time to review the [CURE - Christians United for Reformation] newsletter? question and answer Mar 1993 Hunt, Dave
Question: Did the authors follow Matthew 18 and go to the people mentioned in the book [The Seduction of Christianity] before they wrote it? question and answer Feb 1986 Hunt, Dave
Question: Do you know anything about groups called “gene-testing services?” Apparently they have convinced many to believe they come from monkeys. question and answer Sep 2016 Hunt, Dave, Newby, Ed
Question: Doesn't the Bible use visual language? Didn't Jesus speak in parables and expect us to visualize? question and answer Sep 1986 Hunt, Dave
