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Title Sourcesort ascending Post date Author
Question: How can you be sure that your interpretation of the Scriptures is correct, especially when it comes to things that no one can really explain? question and answer May 2008 TBC Staff
Question: In your May article you said that the angels [at the time of His incarnation] had known Christ “as God the Son, one with the Father, for at least 6,000 years by earth time....” I’m sure you must have meant 4,000 years. question and answer Jul 2003 TBC Staff
Question (composite of many): Jack Van Impe’s new video about the Roman Catholic Church and the Pope left me confused. What do you make of it? question and answer Nov 1993 TBC Staff
Question: Louis Farrakhan and his Nation of Islam have been making big news lately. Is this a genuine Islamic movement or sect that is recognized as such by Arab Muslims? question and answer Jan 1996 TBC Staff
Question: God is omniscient and He knew, before He created man, that many would choose to reject Christ and therefore seal their own fate of eternal damnation. Knowing this, God still chose to create man. Why? Isn’t this a selfish, unloving act? question and answer Oct 2001 TBC Staff
In Defense of the Faith question and answer May 2014 Hunt, Dave
Question: Why would a loving God give us trials? question and answer Oct 2021 TBC Staff
Question: My husband teaches a men's Bible class in a Baptist Church. He wanted to teach a separate Bible class on Prophecy and was told the subject would not be well received. Why? question and answer Jul 2006 TBC Staff
Question: You keep saying that Jesus is coming soon....There are many people groups that have had no opportunity to hear the gospel. How does that square with your teaching of an imminent return? question and answer May 2007 TBC Staff
Question: A Calvinist gave me six verses not dealt with in What Love Is This? How do you respond? I am not a Calvinist and am looking for more insight. question and answer Feb 2004 TBC Staff
Question: Doesn't the Bible use visual language? Didn't Jesus speak in parables and expect us to visualize? question and answer Sep 1986 Hunt, Dave
Question: If the Bible isn't reliable in [dates surrounding Christ's birth], how can it be trusted about anything else? question and answer Aug 1993 TBC Staff
Question: Pastor John Hinkle said over TBN that he heard God say, “On Thursday, June 9, I will rip the evil out of this world.”...The prophecy was promoted by Paul Crouch and Pat Robertson, yet when it failed to materialize neither said a word about it. question and answer Jul 1994 TBC Staff
Question: I recently came across this reprint from the July 1992 Chalcedon Report [about] the National Day of Prayer....Would you please comment? question and answer Apr 1997 TBC Staff
Question: I recently received a refund from TBC for my order for The Changing Face of Islam in America....I look forward to the more detailed explanation you promised as to your reasons. question and answer Jul 2000 TBC Staff
Q&A: Is Islam's aggression any different from the routine bloodshed of the Old Testament? question and answer May 2016 TBC Staff
Question: Shouldn't we pay more attention to "deliverance" ministries? question and answer Sep 2023 TBC Staff
Question: [composite of several]: You object to the idea that there was any death, even of animals, prior to Adam's sin. Death passed upon all men. Animals aren't mentioned and certainly don't sin. What would preclude animals from dying prior to the fall? question and answer Feb 2007 TBC Staff
Question: The scriptures in Exodus 20:4-5 and Acts 17:29 say that the Lord is against anyone attempting to make an image of God. We...have given gifts of Christian children's books about Jesus. The books have images of Jesus. What do you suggest...? question and answer Jul 2011 TBC Staff
Question: Why would Jesus have to use some huge catastrophe in order to make his appearance on earth? And why would Christians rejoice over such a tragedy, with complete disregard for the lives lost? question and answer Jan 2009 TBC Staff
Question: Which comes first, the nations starting to come against Israel more aggressively or the reconstruction of the Temple? question and answer Jul 2008 TBC Staff
Question: The most obvious fallacy of your book, What Love Is This?, is its denial to God of the freedom to choose whom and in what way He will love. [Y]our book insists that God’s love is the same for all people. question and answer Aug 2003 TBC Staff
Question: The series of books about “Joshua” by Joseph Girzone has sold extremely well in Christian bookstores. What is your opinion—for example, of Joshua, the first one in the series? question and answer Apr 1993 Hunt, Dave
Question: Suddenly there seems to be a new fad: angel worship…. Could you address this topic? question and answer Jun 1996 TBC Staff
Question: I am writing in response to your article about the “Spirit of Antichrist.” There are two statements that I find patently wrong.... question and answer Nov 1998 TBC Staff
Question: There has been a good bit of talk in the media recently about Islam undergoing a reformation much like the Protestant Reformation in the sixteenth century....If so, [will you retract your] harsh accusations? question and answer Feb 2002 TBC Staff
Question: One of our staff who reads incoming letters writes, "After reading your articles, Dave, and responses to letters about Calvinism, a Calvinist writes that your theology confuses him...." question and answer Jul 2007 TBC Staff
Question: Does God hear and respond to the prayers of the unsaved? I know that believers have the privilege of prayer as children of God, but what about the lost? question and answer Feb 2013 TBC Staff
Question: You have referred to the Albigenses as true Christians, yet every encyclopedia I’ve looked into says they...believed in a good god and an evil god, that they were involved in ritual suicide and immorality. How could you make such a blunder? question and answer Dec 1994 TBC Staff
Question: In your January ’97 newsletter you said, “Prostitutes and homosexuals destroy the lives of untold millions of young people.” What exactly did you mean? question and answer Jul 1997 TBC Staff
