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Title Sourcesort ascending Post date Author
Question: Are Old Testament saints part of the Rapture? question and answer May 2024 TBC Staff
Question: Can Christians "bind" spirits to take over a city for God? question and answer Aug 2024 TBC Staff
Question: God is holy and dwells apart from man in a holy place. How, then, can the Holy Spirit indwell the human heart? My heart is not pure; I am a believer and serve the Lord Jesus Christ, but I am still a sinner. I am not holy. Only God is. question and answer Jan 2016 TBC Staff
Question: Do you believe smoking to be a sin? question and answer Apr 2012 TBC Staff
Question: How can you be down on all contemporary music, choruses, etc.? question and answer Oct 1992 Hunt, Dave
Question: I’ve seen several reports that Pope John Paul II, as a salesman and chemist for I. G. Farben Chemical Company during World War II…"sold cyanide to the Nazis for use in Auschwitz"…. Is this true? question and answer Oct 1995 TBC Staff
Question: The church I now attend is embracing some teachings of Watchman Nee. What do you know about him, and especially about his book, The Latent Power of the Soul? question and answer Apr 1998 TBC Staff
Question: Why did Moses put a brass serpent on the pole? question and answer May 2021 TBC Staff
Question: Everywhere I turn I find the “Alpha Course.”... What is the “Alpha Course” and what is your opinion about it? question and answer Jul 2001 TBC Staff
Question: Why do you screen all the Christian books for error? question and answer Jul 2022 TBC Staff
Question: Like me, you folks at TBC probably do not agree with all of Mark Biltz’s theology; however, my wife and I enjoy [many of his teachings]. We encourage you folks to watch and promote their [good] agenda, which seems to us to be very accurate. question and answer Mar 2015 TBC Staff
Question: Doesn't [2 Thes 2:13] sound like God has chosen certain ones to be saved, which of course would mean that the rest are chosen to damnation by default? question and answer Jun 2009 TBC Staff
Question: I was recently sent a book that rather shocked me. Its title is Have Heart: Bridging the Gulf Between Heaven and Earth. It seems to do what you objected to in Heaven Is For Real [in a previous TBC article]. What do you think? question and answer Jan 2012 TBC Staff
Question: There has been increasing visibility of "stigmata." Is this of God? question and answer Apr 1986 Hunt, Dave
Question: We’re asking for counsel on the matter of biblical reproof.... What do you believe is the appropriate response and action to be taken when young believers are living in error? question and answer Sep 2012 TBC Staff
Question: Should Christians uphold the death penalty? question and answer Oct 2020 TBC Staff
Question: I’ve been reading Matthew 5:13-16 and 2 Peter 1:5-7. Could you help me understand how these verses tie together? question and answer Dec 2015 TBC Staff
Question: Can we be sure we're going to heaven? question and answer Oct 2017 TBC Staff
Question: If we are to believe OT prophecies about Jesus, aren’t we also to believe OT prophecies about Mary? question and answer Aug 2018 TBC Staff
Question: Several scriptures lead me to believe that after we are in the New Jerusalem with our Lord, there is still evil elsewhere....Please explain. question and answer May 2005 TBC Staff
Question: Is the Holy Spirit literally in us? question and answer Apr 2020 TBC Staff
Question: What can you tell me about Rodney M.Howard-Brown. Charismatic churches have been featuring him and he seems to be causing quite a stir. question and answer Jul 1993 TBC Staff
Question: ...I am wondering if you have ever considered functioning solely under your own local church elders and as a ministry of whatever local church that is.... question and answer Apr 2000 TBC Staff
Question: Should Christians "take back the land"? question and answer May 2024 TBC Staff
In Defense of the Faith: Was Paul Ignorant or Sarcastic? question and answer Jan 2017 TBC Staff
Question: Could you please explain briefly some of the teachings of Kingdom/Dominion... question and answer Sep 2010 TBC Staff
Question: A previous newsletter misquoted Revelation 17:9-10 to fit your interpretation... question and answer Jan 2019 TBC Staff
Question: You say that Allah is a contraction of al-ilah, meaning “the chief God.” So why couldn’t that be the same as “the most high God” in the Bible (Genesis 14:18-22, etc.)...? question and answer Jul 2003 TBC Staff
Question: We can’t seem to find a church in our area that has godly leadership and biblical preaching. We feel so alone and now just read the Bible and pray at home. What should we do? And how do we find a “good” church? question and answer Feb 1993 Hunt, Dave
Question: Paul Crouch and others on TBN have referred several times to a mysterious event which is to occur June 9, 1994, when all evil will be removed from earth. What are they talking about? question and answer Dec 1993 TBC Staff
