Cosmic Christ |

TBC Staff

The core of the ecumenical movement bears no resemblance to biblical Christianity. All sorts of beliefs may freely mingle as this quote from former Catholic priest Matthew Fox illustrates. 

"The coming together of the historical Jesus and the Cosmic Christ will make Christianity whole at last . . . . Christianity has been out of touch with its "core", its center . . . Perhaps a new "ecumenical council" will be forthcoming in our lifetime. This one would be deeply ecumenical and would call forth the wisdom of all the world's religions . . . What is needed if there is to be a twenty-first century for Mother Earth and her children is a spiritual vision that prays, celebrates, and lives out the reality of the Cosmic Christ who lives and breathes in Jesus and in all God's children, in all the prophets of religion everywhere, in all creatures of the universe." (Matthew Fox, "Coming of the Cosmic Christ," Harper and Row, 1980, p. 7).