Last Days Says Who? |

TBC Staff

The Bible contains many accounts that would lead us to believe that those living upon earth at the time prophecy is fulfilled are expected to recognize events transpiring in their day as the fulfillment of what the prophets have foretold. For example, referring in his Pentecost sermon to what was happening on that historic day, Peter declared: “This is what was spoken of through the prophet Joel” (Acts:2:16). The view Jesus had of prophecy was equally practical. He called the two disciples on the road to Emmaus “fools” for not correlating Old Testament prophecies with events that happened to Him (Luke:24:25-27). And in [other] verses..., He called the Jews of His day “hypocrites” for not recognizing, on the basis of what their own prophets had said, the signs indicating the unique time in which they lived.

Would Jesus also call us fools and hypocrites for not recognizing that we are living in the “last days” on the basis of the signs we have been given? Could we be deceived if we don’t take heed to these warnings? And how can we take heed unless at some point in time we relate what we have been warned about with what is happening in the world?

   The Seduction of Christianity pp. 35-36