A Decade After Church Burnings, Officials Forbid Rebuilding | thebereancall.org

TBC Staff

A decade after Muslims attacked and displaced Christians in a town in northern Nigeria, Kano state officials have forbidden church buildings to be rebuilt there, sources said.

Eight church buildings destroyed in late September 2007 in predominantly Muslim Tudun Wada Dankadai, Kano state, are still in ruins, a Morning Star News correspondent observed earlier this month.
[They] have not been rebuilt because local Muslims have refused to allow it, Joseph Opeyemi Ibinkule, a 42-year-old a Christian resident of Tudun Wada Dankadai, told Morning Star News.
“Christians who have braved it and returned after the attacks in 2007 have no worship buildings up to today,” Ibinkule said. “The reason is that the government of Kano state has banned us from rebuilding our churches.”
No pastor lives in the town, he said, and only a few come to lead services to a smattering of church members in the hostile environment.
Ibinkunle said the 2007 assault, in which at least nine Christians were killed, was ignited by Muslim students accusing high school Christians of blasphemy.
“The Muslim students attacked Christian students, and soon they were joined by Muslims in this town,” he said. “All eight churches were destroyed, Christians were displaced, and many Christians were also killed….The attack was premeditated, and then it led to further spontaneous violence, he said. Church buildings were burned, and houses and shops of Christians were looted and charred, he added.
Advocacy group Christian Solidarity Worldwide reported in 2007 that the violence began after Muslim students stormed into a room shared by two Christian students at the Government Secondary School in Tudun Wada and began to assault them.
“When the Christian students asked what they had done wrong, their assailants initially told them to ‘mind their own business,’” CSW reported. “However, once the school principal arrived at the scene, the Christians were accused of drawing a picture of Muhammad on a mosque wall and of planning an assault on Muslim students.”

Local authorities appeared to limit access to the area to obscure inquiry into the extent of the casualties, according to CSW. Tudun Wada’s chief of police sealed the area off, and local authorities transported Christians out of the area and removed all corpses. Those trying to help victims were denied access, CSW reported.
“As a result of this enforced isolation of the area, the exact number of fatalities is difficult to determine,” CSW reported. “However, sources suspect that the toll is far higher than originally stated. One policeman was overheard complaining of being ‘fed up of packing corpses.’”
The son of an Apostolic Church pastor, Ibinkunle said he has been worshipping under a tree with the members of the ECWA congregation since the 2007 attack.

(Morning Star News Nigeria Correspondent, Morning Star News, November 8, 2017)