Letters | thebereancall.org

TBC Staff

Dear Dave,
Words fail to express my appreciation for the way you have covered the current state of world affairs in...Judgment Day....We are indeed living in the last days and our hope rests not in the “strength of the horse” (implements of war) but in trusting God and His prophetic Word. [Many] people (so-called believers included) exhibit disdain for anything dealing with the word “prophecy.”...In fact, even in many so-called sound churches, the mere mention of the word “prophecy” sets the speaker up as a sure target for...ridicule. The standard response...is, “We’ve heard all this before!” The truth revealed in Judgment Day, however, is not only confirmed by the Word of God but also [events] reported daily by the world media. Thank you for using your God-given talent to call the world’s attention to global events which are now spiraling out of man’s control and for showing us where we must look for answers. DT (KY)

Dear Dave,
Thank you for your newsletter. It is so informative and very needed in these days. Sometimes I feel that maybe I am not understanding things and that I am wrong and that nobody sees things the way I do, and then your newsletter will come in the mail and I realize I’m not alone or crazy. JE (IN)

Dear Dave,
I thank...God for the team of The Berean Call, who continued to send your...publication to me during a troubled period in my life. [It] was a source of encouragement and strength because it has a “single eye,” focused on God’s Word alone for truth. (Matt:6:22). An elderly Christian lady shared this verse with me years ago to show the importance of holding fast to biblical truth as the sole, absolute, and final authority of my faith. Now that I am becoming the older woman, I am following the example of this fine lady who has since gone home to be with the Lord. This is my main thrust in ministering to younger women—to take God’s Word into their hearts just as God has written it, not to...try to redefine His doctrine or to mix His words with the consensus of man’s opinions. MP (MA)

Dear Dave, TA, and Friends,
I caused the death of a friend. After thirteen years, I was [finally] able to ask for and receive forgiveness from his mom. I have a good life....I have running water, filtered air, and free electricity in my “dwelling.” Literally half the people in the world can’t say that. People love me and I can...appreciate that love now. Most of all, my Creator, Father, Master, Lord, Savior has a pure desire for me, which is not tainted by a willful heart but rather continually manifested in His patient drawing of me toward Him. When I got off dope... I caught the pointed revelation that my life was ruined because of my own will. I started to take responsibility for my situation, understood my accountability to my Creator, and identified with Christ’s death and resurrection....But it took a five-year [period of trials] before my heart was open to God’s still, small voice....And though I had a lack of fellowship, I had The Berean Call....I thank...you for your acceptance of the monumental duty of love the Lord has set before you....I remind myself when I deal with hopefully future believers that The Berean Call’s mission is not to judge and bad-mouth but to inform and warn out of love—real, godly, loving consideration for a soul either unsaved or just barely shining. JH (prisoner, NE)

Dear Dave,
I think it is unfortunate, Dave, that you work so hard at dividing God’s people rather than uniting them. Is it any wonder that we are losing the war? Even the Lord himself said that a house divided against itself cannot stand. Instead of cutting up those who hold to sound doctrine, expose the Benny Hinn’s, the Copeland’s, and Schuller’s, or the DaVinci Codes, and the like. That is the kind of error that the body of Christ needs to have exposed....You and Calvin are not that far apart, although he never got into end time interpretations....His overall interpretation could lead to a different end than yours, and I could see where that could be a problem for you. Throughout my Christianity, I have had to let the Spirit of God transform my thinking from previously held views, because as you yourself have said, not Calvin, not our leaders, and not you, but the Word of God is the final authority. LM (CA)