Nuggets from Occult Invasion |

Dave Hunt

Few are the voices sounding the alarm and few are those who heed warnings such as the following, voiced by former Vineyard pastor John Goodwin. Goodwin came to Christ out of the occult and eventually realized that the Vineyard was involved in the very occult practices he had abandoned:

“I was a Vineyard pastor, and according to John Wimber, in his words, I ‘could do the stuff…anywhere and anytime….’ I was tuned in…I was in lock-step with what John was teaching…. I have literally been to hundreds of Vineyard conferences…. I’m here to [explain] that this is part of the last days heresy that’s bringing the church into the New age and into the New World Order…. It’s all part of the Antichrist system of a one world church, a one world government and a one world economy.”