Argument for Life Follow Anti-Life Campus Talk |

TBC Staff

The speaker making a pro-life presentation at Mississippi State University almost never lived to see it happen.

Less than a week after hosting an abortionist who believes he is doing the work of God by performing abortions, MSU is welcoming Christina Marie Bennett, writer, blogger and communications director for the Family Institute of Connecticut. The event – titled "Abortion, Idolatry and Christ's Call to Compassion" – is co-hosted by the campus chapter of Students for Life and Catholic Campus Ministry.

"I'm really glad they chose me [to come speak] because I was actually scheduled to be aborted and my mother walked out of the hospital," Bennett shares. "She had an encounter with a doctor [who] told her to just stay and to continue to have the abortion, even though she had changed her mind."

Bennett credits the janitor of that abortion facility for changing her mother's mind.

"So it's interesting that I – someone who escaped a doctor, someone attempting to abort me – I'm going to be challenging an abortionist's message that is claiming abortion is his ministry as a Christian, which I think is false and harmful and dangerous to say," she continues.

Bennett is referring to abortionist Dr. Willie Parker, who appeared on the Starkville campus last Thursday for an event titled "Abortion and the Christian Case for Choice." His appearance at the publicly funded university angered many but also energized the pro-life cause on the campus.

"I'm really grateful that I have the opportunity to speak truth and to confront some of the things that he's saying and to give the students another perspective," responds Bennett. "I go to other campuses to share my testimony and to talk about my pro-life work."

Bennett has even encountered women who considered or are considering abortion.

"I did an interview once with a woman at a campus in Connecticut who got pregnant and wasn't sure what to do," she explains. "She didn't think she could finish school – but she chose parenting after going to a pregnancy center in Connecticut where she received support and information, and now she is married.”

(Woodward, "Argument for life follows anti-life campus talk,” OneNewsNow Online, 3/6/18).