Choice Gleanings |

August 24
DAILY READINGS: 2 Samuel 7; Nahum 2-3; Romans:14:1-18
The word of God is not bound. 2 Timothy:2:9
The four walls of Paul's prison cell and even the shackles on his wrists kept Paul bound. He was restrained by man-made limitations. However, he rejoiced in the fact that the Word of God was not. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, lives had been liberated through the proclamation of the Word. Homes and communities had been freed through the power of the Scriptures. Language barriers, national boundaries, and cultural differences were no match for the transcendent Word of God! As Paul sat bound in prison, hindered by chains for preaching the Word, it continued to have liberty. It still does today. —N. C. Funston
Praise God for His Word! Not a promise shall fail;
Whatsoe’er may oppose, still its truth will prevail. —G. O. Webster
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