Choice Gleanings - January 15 |


January 15 - Choice Gleanings

Posted with permission from

DAILY READINGS: Gen. 20-21; Job 23-24; Matt:11:2-30

That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen…which we have looked upon…and our hands have handled, of the Word of Life. 1 John:1:1

A Christian is one who has seen, heard and touched God. He doesn’t promote a religious doctrine or creed to compel others, but possesses an intimate relationship with God—the testimony of his faith. This world doesn’t need more religion. It needs men and women who have seen and heard and touched God, who live that reality daily. Make this your mission today. —Deborah Manera

We are the Bibles the world is reading;
We are the creeds the world is needing;
We are the sermons the world is heeding.
— Billy Graham