Choice Gleanings - May 16 |


May 16 - Choice Gleanings

 DAILY READINGS: Numbers 28; Proverbs 24; Luke:2:1-21

…We beheld His glory…full of grace and truth. John:1:14

John viewed our Lord on the mount of transfiguration, but this isn't the glory he speaks of here. While our Lord's eternal glory was for the most part veiled from human eyes, there was no hiding His moral glory. Every word, every deed, and every motive behind them illuminated God's unique Son in stark contrast to a sin-diseased world. Humanity needs grace and truth and horribly lacks both outside of a full revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ. —Rick Morse

Great God of wonders! All Thy ways,

Display Thine attributes divine;

But the bright glories of Thy grace,

Above Thine other wonders shine.

— Samuel Davies

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