Dear TBC Staff,
We just want to say thank you to all at TBC. Dave Hunt’s teaching has greatly blessed us, as well as Tom McMahon’s and the other articles you publish. We will faithfully pray that TBC will continue with the integrity it always has and that the Lord will continue to use each of you for His glory. T&AW (email)
Dear T. A. and Staff,
Just a quick note to say I really appreciate your ongoing work of warning the flock of all the deception coming at us. We can be sure of our Lord’s promise that the gates of hell shall not prevail against us. We will sure have lots of rejoicing when He comes for us! Till then, I pray for your strength and provision to keep up the good work He has called us to. MT (NY)
Dear T. A.,
The work that TBC is doing has helped me to recognize some of the “grievous wolves” that seem to be popping up with a lot more frequency lately. I have been receiving your publication for many years and wait anxiously for it every month. It is always a blessing to me and I usually learn something new.
I believe God has given you and your contributors the awareness to recognize false teaching in spite of the fact that many “false teachers” use Scripture to support their error. In some cases, I believe, these errors (deception) are intentional. A born-again believer can be easily deceived if his knowledge of the Word is minimal. This is where the ministry of TBC comes in. It’s like Jesus washing the disciples’ feet....In this world we come across false teaching but, thanks to TBC, our feet are washed clean of this dirt. DG (CA)
Dear Mr. McMahon,
My husband and I have enjoyed TBC for about 25 years now. It was very helpful in our early days as Christians when we had little knowledge of the scriptures and saw so much confusion in the Christian world. Your resources were invaluable.
I have just completed reading the fourth edition of What Love Is This? and found it so helpful in setting me free from my “moderate Calvinist” position. Hunt’s book is packed with logic and a true understanding of the “Calvinist” scriptures that I misunderstood. The book has helped me eliminate the nagging doubts about whether or not I’m His elect, and given me the freedom of not depending on my works for assurance of salvation. But most of all, it has given me a greater joy in my salvation, a greater desire for evangelism, and a greater love for my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Thank you so much for your ministry. MC (email)
Dear TBC Staff,
As a new reader/subscriber since August 2013 and a “recommitted” believer, I have been gaining a greater biblical understanding to many important issues. Reading and studying your timely articles has truly made me more aware than ever before to “search the scriptures” —a true Berean indeed! DA (PA, prisoner)
Dear T. A. & Staff,
My wife and I are so grateful for the blessings, strength and encouragement, and unadulterated biblical teaching we have received from The Berean Call ministry. We were blessed beyond measure for so many years to have attended conferences where both Dave and T. A. were speakers. We will truly miss Dave and Ruth, but we rejoice with you all knowing that we are looking forward to that “blessed hope” when we will all be together with our Lord for all eternity.
My hope and prayer is that God will continue to use TBC and staff to minister His Word and to lead the lost to Christ while teaching discernment to His church.
Thank you for all the tools you provide. May God bless, strengthen, comfort, and encourage you all as you continue in the work He has given you. GT (MI)