Question: A friend of mine said you were recently in D.C. at a secular UFO conference. I didn’t see it on your itinerary. What was it and why were you there? |

TBC Staff

Question: A friend of mine said you were recently in D.C. at a secular UFO conference. I didn’t see it on your itinerary. What was it and why were you there?

Answer: The conference concerned how earthlings are to conduct themselves when contact is eventually made with extraterrestrials (April 1995 TBC). After prayer and discussion with our staff, I accepted the invitation to participate as an opportunity the Lord had provided. It was quite an experience, like being on another planet! Many speakers and attendees claim to be in contact with ETIs and “spirit guides” and even talk to trees and other nature forms.

It seems that I was invited because some of those involved had read The Archon Conspiracy [now titled Mind Invaders] and were intrigued by it. I was on the “Fear Panel” and gave them plenty to fear (which none of the other panel members seemed willing to do). My paper is to be published with the conference proceedings. A few individuals thanked me for what I said and I was able to give the gospel clearly to a number in conversation.

Several of the speakers were well- known and highly regarded psychologists and psychiatrists involved in bringing forth alleged “memories” of UFO encounters and abductions under regressive hypnosis. That the conference was funded by Rockefeller money and that there was government involvement only confirmed what I have written on this subject. UFOs (whether delusionary or demonic) could well play a significant part in explaining the Rapture and in the Antichrist’s takeover of the world.