June 20 - Choice Gleanings | thebereancall.org


DAILY READINGS: Joshua 1; Hosea 8-9; Luke:19:29-48 

Art thou greater than our father Abraham...whom makest thou thyself? John:8:53

The Jews accused our Lord of making Himself what He already was. They said He made Himself a king (John:19:12). He was already the King of the Jews (Matt:2:2). They said He made Himself the Son of God (John:19:7). He was already the Son of God (John:10:36). They said He made Himself God (John:10:33). He was already God (1 Tim:3:16). They said He made Himself equal with God (John:5:18). He was always equal, because He was the Son of God. Our Lord was not a man that made Himself God, but God who made Himself a man. Great is the mystery of godliness. —Harold G. Smith

A wonderful Saviour is Jesus my Lord, a wonderful Saviour to me, He hideth my soul in the cleft of the rocks, where rivers of pleasures I see.             —Fanny Crosby 

Posted with permission of gospelfolio.com