Question: In a recent Q & A you said that speaking in tongues has led many, including charismatic pastors and evangelists, into immorality. I take exception to that harsh statement. Why did you say it? |

TBC Staff

Question [Representative of several]: Recently, in answering a question about the gifts of the Holy Spirit you said that speaking in tongues has led many, including charismatic pastors and evangelists, into immorality. I take exception to that harsh statement. Why did you say it?

Response: You are misquoting me. This is from the March 2007 Q&A:

One might as well practice walking on water or raising the dead as "practice speaking in tongues." We do not get any gift from God by practicing. That false teaching has led multitudes astray and is a large part of the reason why "tongues speakers" so often fall into immorality, whether televangelists, pastors, healers, or ordinary Christians.

I did not say that "speaking in tongues" is the problem (which it could not be if genuinely from God) but that the false teaching that one can do it any time one pleases and that it is gotten by "practicing" it leads many astray and into immorality. This has to be true because the refusal to obey the clear teaching of Scripture is rebellion against God and His Word. In that attitude one is almost guaranteed to yield to temptation.

Biblically, those who imagine that they can "speak in tongues" any time they please are in a state of self-delusion. They are either imagining they are speaking in tongues or are faking it to their own self-deception or are demonically inspired. Such a state of self-delusion is the perfect set-up for Satan to work further wiles.

If what I state here is not biblical, then show me from the Bible itself.