Quotable | thebereancall.org


Spurgeon, Charles
Deck, J.G.

Spurgeon said that "the world pays scantily indeed. What will it do for those it loves the best? When it has done all it can, the last resource of the world is to give a man a title (and what is that?). And then to give him a tall pillar and set him up there to bear all weathers, to be pitilessly exposed to every storm; and there he stands for fools to gaze at...."

     C.H. Spurgeon, quoted in William MacDonald, Worlds Apart

Master, we would no longer be

    At home in that which hated Thee,

But patient in Thy footsteps go,

    Thy sorrow as Thy joy to know;

We would-and O confirm the power-

    With meekness meet the darkest hour,

By shame, contempt however tried,

    For Thou wast scorned and crucified.

     J. G. Deck, quoted in William MacDonald, Worlds Apart