Letters | thebereancall.org


Dear Berean Staff,

I’m reading Peace, Prosperity, and the Coming Holocaust, and the further I get into it, the more shocked I am. I’ve been a Christian since 1976, and for a small church in the Northeast, there was quite a bit of end times teaching—lots of new things to learn. With Calvinism [more recently], it took What Love Is This? to repair the damage and upheaval spiritually caused by [another’s] enthusiasm pressing it upon me. So, now again I am “free indeed.” A question I want to ask is, why when I go to church, do I not hear any of what I am now reading? Thanks for the truth. I’m very grateful. CW (NE)

Dear TBC,

My gratitude to you for sharing the Word and the Good News. I have been getting your newsletter for many years and have enjoyed the ministry and the writings of both Dave and Tom and, through your kindness, have had the opportunity of learning much about the Way, the Truth, and the Life. I am a prisoner, but I had a spiritual awakening, and so now I’m a follower of Christ Jesus….I’m learning how to be a Berean. DM (prisoner, IL)

Dear Friends at The Berean Call

Manmade systems may change but God changes not. Just as I write, the news mentioned a great storm battering the Caribbean. We are blessed to have a shelter in the time of storm. What’s taking place in the world today is like the small cloud rising out of the sea. Soon the heavens will be black as God brings His eternal plan to a conclusion. The Publican’s prayer is still valid: “God be merciful to me a sinner.” Thank you for your newsletter [which is] greatly appreciated. SM (N Ireland)

Dear TBC,

This website [www.thebereancall.org] has opened my eyes to so much. I recently started looking at the doctrine of the Nicolatians and Balaam as mentioned in Revelation 2. I did a Google search and came across this site. Thank God, for you keep the faith. May God bless you. VN (email)

Dear Berean Call,

Every now and then I get the opportunity to witness to some misled person [in this case] someone who’s following yoga and the Kabbalah, and she says she almost became a Roman Catholic. After our talk I wound up thanking God for TBC, because without your ministry (which I believe is Holy Spirit led) I would not have been prepared to answer her about either the Roman Catholic Church or Yoga. Please pray with me for this individual, that the Lord would draw her back to the light. I don’t know how she got sidetracked, but then again, I know of the Tempter. JM (PA)

Dear Mr. McMahon,

Your ministry has been a real blessing to me. I’ve watched many of the videos by Dave Hunt and was especially intrigued by A Woman Rides the Beast. I also listen to your radio program every week. I had been going to morally bankrupt churches like Presbyterian USA and the Episcopal Church in order to give my testimony to some people who might be living that lifestyle in the hope that they might open their hearts to the Lord.

I’m having a very difficult time finding and staying in a church. I’ve seen the most unbelievable things in these places such as sermons on “Forrest Gump” and even a pastor quoting “Lord of the Rings” during the service. I’ve been in Baptist churches where they are teaching Lent, and the pastor said he wanted to be our “father” in the faith. These things seemed strange to me. JB (email)

Dear Berean Call,

The Berean call has helped me so much in directing me to all-important correct doctrine. I’ve come out of the word of faith movement and it’s so liberating to finally have the Truth of scripture explained. Recovering nicely. GN (email)